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Ponyboy's POV

I wake up next to my beautiful boyfriend. We've been together for exactly 5 months and 28 days and Johnny makes me the happiest I've ever been. Only Dallas knows about our relationship. He's Johnny's confident so I don't mind at all that he knows about us. He supports and covers us up until we're ready to come out to the gang. Johnny is still sleeping with my arms wrapped around him and with his head lying on my chest. I feel him moving a bit and I slip my hands under his shirt. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Morning Johnnycake," I say stroking his hair.

"Morning my love," he answers with his morning voice.

I kiss his forehead and smile at him softly. He lifts his head up and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I don't know what I did to deserve him but I won't complain. I pull him towards me and kiss him again.

"Woah there you two," we hear coming from my room's door.

We both turn around and see Dallas leaning against the door frame smirking. Johnny and I are looking at him are starts to laugh. Dally comes in and closes the door.

"Sodapop wanted to come up and wake the both of you. I ran up here to do it and he just gave me a weird look. I know that you two are scared but it has to come out one day," Dallas tells us.

Johnny looks at me in the eyes. We always understand each other without any words. I know what he wants and the same goes for him.

"We're going to tell them today, Dal," Johnny says looking at me. I nod and give him a soft smile. I love how we understand each other without talking.

"Oh, alright guys. Get your asses up, breakfast's almost ready," Dallas says going out of my room and shooting us a smile.

Johnny and I get out of my bed and get dressed. We put on some pants and I look through my drawers to get us a t-shirt.

"Are you ready for this love?" I ask Johnny throwing at him a random shirt I found and taking one for me

"Yea I am Pony. I'm so in love with you and I want all our friends to know about it. There is nothing to worry about, darling. And if things turn out badly, we know that Dallas has our back." Johnny says putting on the shirt I threw at him.

"Yes, you're right Johnnycakes," I tell him. I get closer to my boyfriend and pull him towards me. I kiss him and smile. "Let's go now, I'm hungry," I say. Johnny starts to laugh. He takes my hand and drags me out of my room.

As we get near the kitchen, we let go of each other's hands. Dally is sitting at the table, Sodapop is setting up the table and Darry is in front of the stove finishing making our breakfast. Soda turns his head towards us as we enter.

"What were you two doing up there? Dally freaked out when I said I'll go wake you up. He rushed into your room and pushed me down the hall. Do you have something to tell us boys," Soda says sitting down next to Dallas.

"Hum, can we wait until everyone's here," I say. Soda is opening his mouth to answer but Darry cuts him off.

"It's ready!" Darry says putting a plate full of pancakes in front of us. Soda gives us some suspicious looks here and there during breakfast. We finish our plates as we hear the door open.

"HELLO! Where's the cake?" we hear Two-Bit scream from the living room. We all start laughing as we see him entering the kitchen followed by Steve.

"Ok, now everybody's here, what do you have to tell us?" Soda says.

Steve and Two-Bit give Soda a weird look while Darry sits on the counter looking at me and Johnny.

"What's happening?" Steve asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Apparently Ponyboy and Johnny have something to tell us," Darry says still looking at us.

I take Johnny's hand under the table and give it a small squeeze. I clear my throat and take a deep breath. I know I can do this.

"Johnny's my boyfriend," I say looking at the ground.

"We've been dating for almost six months now. We love each other more than anything. He's the best thing that ever happened to me" Johnny adds.

I look up from the ground to watch our friends and try to detect any signs of disapproval. Everyone got a surprised face with their mouth wide open except Dally who's laughing and looking at them.

"Why are you laughing Dally?" Steve says trying to hide a small chuckle.

"Because I knew it already and all of you look so shocked!" Dallas answers still laughing.

"No, we aren't Dal," Two-Bit says.

"Then say it to your face," I tell him with a smirk drawing itself on my face.

Two-Bit looks at me and then seems to come to some senses.

"Oh golly, is that why you two are always disappearing or sneaking around and Dal's standing up for you?", Two-Bit says with a disgusted face.

"Hum yeah, why?" Johnny says, still holding my hand under the table.

"EW! Now I got some images of you two in my head that will stay forever," Two-Bit says. Obviously, Johnny answers back and they start arguing but I don't listen to them. Instead, I take a quick look at Darry and he doesn't seem shocked anymore. Surprisingly, he looks at us with a wide smile, the kind that I haven't seen in a long time.

"Ok, enough images of my baby brother fucking his boyfriend Two," Darry says seriously. He comes closer to us and smiles.

"I'm so happy for you two boys," he says ruffling our hair. "BUT! Johnny, if you hurt even a tiny bit Pony I'll chop off your balls, understood?" He speaks.

"Yes Darry, don't worry," Johnny says letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We keep chatting for a while until Steve speaks up.

"Hum...Soda..." Steve says approaching him. "I guess it's our turn now" he whispers even though everyone heard it.

"Your turn? What do you mean?" Dallas asks.

Everyone focuses their attention on the pair and listens closely to what they're about to say.

"Hum...Ponyboy and Johnny aren't the only couple here. Steve and I have been together for a few months too." Sodapop says looking at us.

"WHAT!" All of us scream at the same time.

"Well, both of my brothers are gay," Darry says laughing.

"But do, do any of you got a problem with that?" Soda says to everyone.

"Nah, not at all boys," Dallas says.

"Same goes for me," Darry adds looking fondly at us.

"Yeah, I second. I'm happy for you guys" Two-Bit says looking through the fridge for some food, as always.

Well, that went better than I thought. I have my friends, my brothers and the love of my life by my side.


Word count: 1205

ok this is quite shit but I'd see that happening lmao

Have a good day/night and take care !


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