Everything I wanted (part 1)

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Johnny's POV

I wake up in my room to the sound of my mom and my dad yelling downstairs. I don't want to get in between them, not this time, so I take my jean jacket on my desk chair and get out by the window. It's like that almost everyday. My mom yells at my dad, and my dad punches her, at this point, it became a routine. The only moment of peace I have is when they're both wasted or when they're outside doing God knows what. I don't have any friends to hide during these fights so I just try to deal with it on my own. I'm so tired of them tearing each other apart. I start to walk down the street to an old parking lot I spotted maybe a week ago. There's an old beat-up car seat on the ground and it's quite hidden. I think I'll just crash there tonight, not as if my folks would care either. I reach the lot and start to walk towards the car seat until I see a small fire. I take out my switchblade and walk toward the light. As I'm approaching, I hear a soft whisper and a jiggle. I wonder who could be there, enjoying themselves in such an odd place.

I get behind a tree, near the car seat and see two boys. One has red hair and a mickey mouse shirt and the other one has brown hair and a leather jacket. Both got greasy hair and they're smoking and drinking beer. I don't know how long I've been watching them until I see them looking at me.

"Two-Bit, do you know that guy?" the brown-haired guy says pointing at me.

"Hum...no, what about you Dal," the Two-Bit guy says.

"Nah I don't," Dal says.

I step out of behind that tree, gripping tightly on my blade. Both of their eyes go wide.

"Hey bud, put that down would ya? We won't hurt you" The redhead says looking at me.

"Don't worry, we're greasers too man." The Dal guy says.

I flip it out and put it back in my pocket. I get closer to them in order to maybe take place near the fire because I'm freezing. Both seem to understand what I intend and the brown-haired boy scoots closer to Two-Bit in order to give me some space to sit down. I put my hand near the fire and feel the warm air on them.

"So who are you?" Dal asks me, taking a drag of his cigarette and swooping his legs over Two-Bit's lap. I look at him, confused because no one really cared about me before.

"Hum, my name's Johnny," I answer him shyly.

"Oh then nice to meet you Johnny, I'm Dallas but everyone calls me Dally"' He says "And this fucker is my boyfriend Two-Bit" He adds pointing at the red-haired who's taking a sip of his beer.

Tons of questions made their way into my head. Why the fuck is his name Two-Bit. I've never met two guys in a relationship before. It's not that I think it's weird or something, I don't mind at all, but I know what some people do to guys like them and I don't get why they're trusting me.

"Two-Bit?" I ask looking at them with a small smirk. This name makes me laugh way too much.

"Yeah, that's me! My name's Keith but everyone calls me Two-Bit" he says taking another sip of his beer. We start to chat quietly until Dally gets up followed by his boyfriend. I look at them and just take more place on the old car seat.

"What are you doing Johnny?" Dallas tells me taking Two-Bit's hand.

"Hum, you two are leaving so I'm making myself comfortable to sleep" I answer back.

"Oh, hum we're going to some friend's house, maybe you'd like to tag along?" Two-Bit says to me. I look at him with a worried face because I don't trust people that easily.

"Hum...I don't know guys, maybe another time" I tell them.

"Yeah, ok no worries, we could catch on later?" Two-Bit says with a smile.

"Of course, bye guys" I answer them.

"Bye Johnny!" They said back, walking away.

-Time Skip-

A week passed since I met Two-Bit and Dally. I've seen them many times after that night and learnt a bit about their friends. There's Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy and Steve. Darry is the older brother of Sodapop and Ponyboy and their parents died so he's taking care of them. Steve has been Sodapop's best friend since grade school and they're always together. Honestly, I don't remember many things about them but I know that Sodapop and Steve love cars and that Ponyboy is the youngest and loves reading and cinema. I trust them enough to go with them to see the gang. I'm sitting on the old beat-up car seat, waiting for my two friends. We decided to meet there and go to their hang-out spot, the Curtis's brothers house. I see Dal and Two walking toward me. One with a beer in his hands and the other one with a cigarette between his lips.

"Hey Johnnycake!" Dally screams running towards me.

"What the fuck Dallas wait for me!" Two-Bit says trying to catch Dally.

I just smile and get up for the seat. Dallas arrives near me and Two-Bit is jogging behind and trying to catch his breath.

"Damn Dal you smoke like a chimney but run as fast as Pony" Two-Bit says putting his hands on his knees.

"Sorry Two, you love me anyways," Dallas answers hugging his side. Two-Bit rolls his eyes and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek that makes Dallas blush.

"Okay Johnny, you come over with us?" Dallas asks me.

"Yeah Dal, let's go!" I tell him and Two.

We all walk down the street and I see a small house with a gate around it. Both of my friends are walking towards it and I'm a bit back.

"You sure you want to come Johnny?" Two-Bit asks me with a concerned look.

"Oh yeah Two, it's just that I never really had friends so it's kind of weird to go into a friend group you know," I tell him.

"Oh don't worry, they'll like you and you'll get along with everyone," Dallas says opening the gate.

We get through the gate and Dallas goes towards the door. He opens it and before he even steps in, I hear a small scream.

"Dallas! Finally!" I hear from inside the house.

"Yep! That's me!" Dally screams back.

"Is your Two-Bitch boyfriend here?" The guy says stepping out. I look at him and start to blush. He has brownish hair and beautiful grey eyes. I think he's a bit taller than me and got one of the most gorgeous smiles.

"Johnny?" Two-Bit says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh hum what?" I answer shyly. I take a quick look at my two friends quite embarrassed. Only the sight of that boy makes me blush.

"I asked you what's your name but I guess I heard it." The boy says laughing. "I'm Ponyboy" He adds.

Ponyboy's POV

"I'm Ponyboy" I add. I'm still looking at the guy so-called named Johnny. He is beautiful.

"GUYS I FOUND A CHOCOLATE CAKE!" Steve screamed from the kitchen. Two-Bit and Dallas started to run toward it pushing me to the side. I start to laugh and hear Johnny doing the same. I go through the door followed a bit by the tanned boy. 

I can't wait to get to know more about him. 


Words: 1330

This shit was way too long for one part so I cut it in half. I will do the rest of this in Pony's POV

Ok, I'm so sorry for not publishing for a while, I have my final terms exam soon so I gotta do school work lmao 


Gros bisous sure vos gros fonts<3<3<3

Elie !!

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