Hey i'm alive + important A/N

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hi my fellow gay ppl, hum it's been a while HAHAHAH

ok im sure y'all don't want an update on my life but. to make it short, i started to feel some pressure about writing and i was really scared that my friends would find my account LMAOAO, so that's why i stopped publishing

and im sorry that i took down my story guys, i was scared that my girlfriend (well ex now, it's a long and not that interesting story) would find this as well 

i still absolutely ADORE the outsiders, but ive found a new obsession- patroclus and achilles (i had to read the song of achilles for school and that became my second fav book no joke). 

i still have inspiration to write sum stuff and even more mature one if y'all would feel like it.

summer is coming and i'll have all the time in the world

thanks a lot to everyone who read my short stories and i PROMISE, i really do, that i'll come back soon with sum stories<3 

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