Everything I wanted (part 2)

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Ponyboy's POV

Johnny and I are walking through the door after Dallas and Two-Bit. I chuckle and sit on the couch.

"You want to sit down Johnny?" I ask the tanned boy. He turns his head and flash me at smile before coming near me and sitting down.

"GUYS LAY OFF WITH THE CAKE DAMMIT" I hear my brother Darry scream from down the hall. He starts to walk towards the kitchen where my friends are fighting for some piece of cake. When he passes in front of Johnny and I, he slows down and look at the boy next to me with a confused face. He opens his mouth to talk but gets interrupted by a crashing sound in the kitchen.

"TWO GIVE IT BACK NOW" I hear Sodapop scream from the kitchen.

"Damn kids" Darry says running towards the sound.

Johnny looks at me confused.

"Who's that boy?" He asks me.

"Oh, that's my older brother." I answer him shyly.

I feel his gaze on me and I'm too scared to look at him. I know that if I do, I'll stare and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. I hear someone coming in the living room and I look up. Dallas and Two-Bit are there with the cake followed by the rest of the gang. All of them are looking at Johnny.

"Who's the boy next to my baby brother" Soda asks to anyone who could answer him.

"That's the boy me and Dal talked about" Two-Bit says trying to steal a bit from his boyfriend's cake. I look at the beautiful boy and see a small blush on his cheek.

"Oh, I see. What's your name? I kind of forgot it" Steve tells him with a weird look. The boy's looking up at him with a scared face.

"Hum, I'm Johnny. Johnny Cade."

"Johnnycake?" Soda says with a smile.

"No, Cade. But Dallas calls me like that so I don't mind" Johnny answers with a smile.

"Then welcome to our gang Johnnycake!" I tell him with a wide smile. I look up to all my friends and my brothers for their approval. They look at me and Johnny with a smile and Darry gives me a small nod.

-Time skip-

A month has passed since Johnny joined our gang. It's almost 9 and I'm walking back home. I pass near a parking lot and see someone sitting on an old beat-up car seat. I approach and see the beautiful brown-haired boy.

"Johnnycake, what are you doing here?" I ask him concerned. I pass here often but never noticed that he hangs out here, all alone.

"Oh, hey Ponyboy. Hum I'm lighting up a fire to keep me warm, why?" He answers my question with his usual innocent voice. I look at him confused.

"Ok but why are you doing this?" I tell him taking a seat next to him.

"I'm about to sleep Ponyboy, my parents are fighting and I don't want to get in between them again." He tells me looking at his hands.

"Would you like to crash at mine instead of sleeping here on this shitty seat? Darry won't care, I'm sure of that." I tell him taking a cigarette out of my pack.

"I don't want to be a bother Po- "

"You won't Johnny, don't worry about it." I cut him off. I don't want to let this beautiful boy sleep here all alone. I light my cigarette and look at him. He slowly lifts his head up and watch me with a smile.

"Okay Pony." He says with a small chuckle. He lets go of his lighter and the stick he had to light the fire and gets up. I follow him shortly after and leads him towards my house. The moon is shining and it shows all his features. We arrive at my house shortly after and see Darry on the couch.

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