Climbing my Mountain (Edited)

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Hono POV

We all wake up and eat breakfast together. Kakashi hobbles out on a crutch. "Should you be out of bed?" I question. "I'll be fine, Hono" he confirms. "Today we will be climbing trees", he says out of the blue. My team's eyes began to simultaneously twitch.

He leads us outside. "Sensei, we know how to climb trees," Sakura says confused.

"We will climb trees without our hands!" He smiles under his mask. Their eyes widen in confusion. "I will show you," He climbs the tree, well walked up the tree and they stare. He throws kunai at our feet. "Get a running start and concentrate you chakra in your feet. Use these kunais to mark you progress," he walks down the tree.

Naruto is the first to try. But he falls off marking the tree. Not enough chakra output. Sasuke is second. His foot goes through the tree. Too much chakra. I didn't see Sakura start but I heard her finish, at the top, hooping and hollering. "Looks like Sakura has the best chakra control out of the group," Sensei turns to Naruto. "She has a better shot of becoming Hokage than you at this point," I see Naruto's eyes narrow in determination. Don't forget about me. I grab the kunai and saunter over to the tallest tree in the forest. I don't get a running start. I shove my hands in my pocket and walk up the tree. Everyone is wrapped up in their own thing when I throw my kunai right in the middle of them.

They all look up at me. I decided to mess with them. I jump on the highest branch and flip upside down pretending to fall. But my feet remained glued to the branch. I take it a step further. Without moving my feet I rotate on the tree faster and faster. I see their faces contour in horror. I sprial down the tree still attached. I pretend to fall. I plummet to the ground. Kakashi holds his hand straight up trying to catch me. I use them as a landing pad. I land my feet on his hands. still standing up like a cheerleader. "Go Team!" I yell unenthusiastically. They all just stare. I flip off of Kakashi's hands and land in a crouch position on the ground. I stand up dusting off my hands. I point at then. "Don't underestimate me, mate," I smile. I know it was a little much but it was fun anyway.

"Well that was interesting. Looks like the girls have the best chakra control," he still stares at me.

Time skipp~

They were failing miserably. Naruto falls again. "Arrrrrg!" he shouts. He stands up and meekly walks over to me. "Um, Hono-chan, can you teach me how to use chakra control. About time.

"Yeah I'll help. Start climbing and I'll tell you," He runs up the tree and his feet become detached from the tree. He falls and I jog to him. I bend over and pick him up. "You aren't putting enough chakra in the soles of you feet. Imagine all of your weight anchored in you feet. You should feel a difference," I smack his back. He concentrates and climbs alot higher. "Thanks Hono-chan!" He beams.

Hm chan. Haven't heard that honorific in a while. I see Sasuke walk over to me. "D-don't tell Naruto to but, can you teach me chakra control too?" he asks meekly with his hand behind his head. "Sure. Now do what you have been doing and I'll assess what's up," He runs up the tree and his foot goes throught the tree. He gets stuck. I run over to him and pull him out of the hole by his waist. "You are putting too much chakra in your feet. Imagine your feet are anchored to the tree but you are walking on glass, trying not to break it. Like your feet are light," I hit his back. "Now go get em"

He runs up the tree and goes alot farther than normal.

Time skipp~

It was time for dinner when Sasuke and Naruto walk or should I say limp inside. "We did it!" Naruto shouted. I walk over to them motioning they could fall on me. Their legs give out and i catch them both. I sit them both down at the table. "You need to rest now!" I give them a stern look. The bowls were given to us and they both scarfed them down. they hold the bowl out. "seconds please!" they say at the same time. They end up throwing up. "You shouldn't eat so much so fast that you throw up, guys," I grimace. "But I have to be stronger than Sasuke! "And I have to be stronger than Naruto!"

"well throwing up isn't gonna make you stronger dipshit" I was so done with today. "I'm gonna head to bed" I walk up the stairs and into the room I share with Sakura. I undress and hop in the shower. I lather the dirt and grime out of my hair and watch it fall in the drain. For some odd reason watching the dirt fall in the drain was extremely satisfying. I finish up and grab my towel. I quickly trot back to my room and throw on some clothes. I was wrapping my legs first when they barge through the door. I freeze. "Hono-chan, Sasuke and I wanted to tell you thank y-" Naruto stares at my arms and legs. Now it seems the whole world know my secret these days. "What happened to you?" Naruto cocks his head to the side. I tense up. My mouth doesn't move my legs don't move, I am frozen in place. I stop wrapping my limbs and run out the door, wanting to get out now. I can never trust them. My leg bandages unwrap completely, but I don't care. They will tell everyone and they will all laugh and kick me out. They will call me stupid and attention seeking.

I run up my tree and sit. I was almost night fall and it has started to rain. I bury my face in my hands. The overwhelming feelings of pure fear of being left climbs my throat until I can't breathe. My mind races with thoughts and speculations, always the worst case scenarios. 

They will all hate me. They will make fun of me. They will be just like the others. I start to cry. Only time I have cried in 5 years was when I told Kakashi and now. I don't want to feel anymore. The gashes on my arm run deeper rain and tears fall. I hop down to sit at the base of the tree. I tuck in my knees and cry. I let out a hysterical laugh followed by a wailing cry.I came to this village for a fresh start. A cry for help. I stand up and lean on the tree. I remember this tree was here for me when no one else was. I trace my name I carved into the tree. I sit back down, numb.

I slice the kunai through my skin over and over. Tears stream down my face, like they are trying to escape. "Hono! Hono! Hono-chan!" I hear collective yells. They just want to make fun of me. They just want to ruin me. "GO AWAY!" I shout voice cracking. "Guys she is over here!" I hear Sakura. I feel panic panic rise up as I hear the approaching footsteps. I crouch up in a ball and scream "GO AWAY. I SHOULD NEVER HAVE TRIED TO TRUST YOU!" I bury my face in my knees, hoping everything would just go away.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch. "Hono-chan it is okay," I look up at Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and closely followed by Kakashi. They try to stand my up and my knees give out from exhaustion of crying. I was caught in a pair of arms. I look up to see Naruto. "Let's get you back inside," my frown loosens. He carries me inside and up the stairs. He places my carefully on my bed. The whole team files in the room. "Hono-chan, you can tell us what happen- You're bleeding!" Sakura screeches.

I push my wrist to my chest, not wanting any to see. Sasuke holds out his hand he has a stern look in his eyes. "Give me" I flinch. His eyes soften. "Let me see," he chides. My arm shakes as I hold it out. He turns it over and looks at the cuts. "Why?" he looks up at me. "Because I needed to," I mutter. He turns towards Naruto. "Can you hand me the bandages?" Naruto give him the roll of gauze. Sasuke begins to wrap my bleeding wrists. "Aren't you going to make fun of me?" I ask. "Why would we do that?" Sakura says almost hurt. "Because that's what people do," I mutter

"WHAT!? NO ONE WILL MAKE FUN YOU EVER AGAIN" Naruto vows. "Th-thank you guys. I wish you didn't have to see me like this,"Naruto runs over to me and holds me. Soon I feel three other bodies on top of him. "T-Thank you!" I cry out. I all hold me never letting go.

" 'kay guys still need to breath," I stutter out. I hear a collective of "Oh"s as on by one the get off.

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