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    I cover my eyes and cringe at the light. "Damn, why does everything have to be so fucking bright when I wake up?" I hear multiple gasps and I slowly uncover my eyes. "What, did you think that loser could kill me?" I laugh. As I was laughing I felt four pairs of arms wrap around me, my squads. "Don't you dare make us worry like that ever again!" Sasuke rebukes while burying his head on my shoulder. "You could have died!" Sakura screeches. "Why do you have to be so reckless. Your chakra was at zero by the end of the match because those jutsu where such a high rank!" Kakashi mutters loudly. "Don't scare us, Hono-chan we were so worried!" Naruto cried into my other shoulder. They stay hugging me for a good bit. "Guys, you are crushing me, I don't want to reopen my wounds," I manage to cough out. I hear numerous "oh" and "Good Point" as they release me from their death hugs. A nurse comes in with a clip board. "Moyasu-san, you will be on bed rest for at least a month," she announces. How am I going to stay here for an entire month?  With that she walks back out the door. "You guys will have to keep me from becoming too bored for a month," I look down at my bed sheets. "Don't worry we will visit you often!" Naruto encourages. "Good. because me being bored is about the worse thing," I say recalling being on bed rest previous times. The nurse walks out of the room. "So how do you plan on busting me out guys?" I ask not missing a beat. "We will only get you out on occasion. Not everyday, you need to recover," Kakashi complies. "We will be back later tonight alright?" Sasuke says. "We have to go train for the last exam,"

"That's cool, you can go on. I'll be fine," I smile as they walk out the door shutting it behind them. No I have to find something to do so I don't go mad. I get up slowly seeing as my legs aren't in shape to walk alone, I get a hold on a pair of crutches. With the IV drip still attached to my arm, I examine my room. Lots of antiseptic and bandages. After awhile I got bored. I hobble down the hallway looking for someone I know stuck here too. As I was walking down the corridor, I feel a sinister presence. Gaara. I hobble as fast as possible to the room the aura comes from.  I see Gaara, or Shukaku, standing over Lee. I drop my crutches and limp to him. I step past the tendrils of sand. Shukaku knows me, and fears me. I rest my weight on his shoulder. "Gaara, leave him be. You will get in big trouble with the leaf if you hurt him," he tenses up. I hear Naruto bust open the door accompanied by Gai. "Get away from bushy-brow!" Naruto pulls out a kunai. "Moyasu, you should get out while you can," Gai says with concern. I look back at him and smirk. "I know him better than most people know. I can also suppress Shukaku." I grab on to Gaara's hand and the sand slowly retracts. "See, no one needed to get hurt, Ni-san," I whisper to him. "It's probably a good idea if you leave soon," I murmur to him. "Okay Oni-chan," he picks me up bridal style and I was taken by surprise. "Your legs. You shouldn't be walking," he pick up the crutches I dropped earlier and stalks out of the room, not saying another word. He carries me down to my room and places me on my bed. He tucks me in and sits in the chair by the bed. "You know you can't just kill people because of blood lust. If you keep this up, you could be exiled and considered rouge. I don't want my brother's name in the bingo book as a rouge. Okay, I will suppress you while you are here but you must learn to control him soon," I look at him. "Yeah. I will try," is all he says. "Well it's getting late, so I will let you sleep," he excuses himself. "Okay. Goodnight," I smile slightly and he walks out of the door. Soon I feel asleep to the sound of the ceiling fan.

When I woke up a few weeks after that event(I wasn't asleep for that long it is just a time skip), I felt someone holding my hand. I look over and see Sasuke asleep holding my hand. "Good morning sunshine" I giggle. he opens his eyes and rubs the sleep out of them. "You sleep too long," he mutters. "Today, can we go out somewhere!" I ask happily. he rolls his eyes and nods. "Sure I will let you change, and I will get you out of here," he walk outside the door. I remove the hospital gown and put on a baby blue loose fitting sun dress type thing that goes down to my knees. I slip on a pair of white shorts underneath them. I rewrap my arms up to my elbows. I didn't care about my legs at this point. I was recovering and they need a break from bandages expect for a few open cut which I put band aids on. I slip on some white oxford shoes. "Sasuke-kun, you can come back in," I call out. He opens the door. "You look so beautiful in dresses. I wish you wore them more often," he smirks and leans up against the door way. "Only reason I'm wearing this is because I need to let my skin take a break from the everyday heavier ninja gear," I shoot back not liking the idea of dresses. He walks over to me. "get on," is all he says. "I can walk it's fine," I try to stand up, and fail. "Sure, we will go with that," he picks me up and puts me on his back. "Hold on,"

"w-wha-" Before I could finish he was running out of the hospital at high speeds. After a few minutes of running around the village he slowly stops. "Had to make sure you awake," he continues to walk through the village. "so where should we go?" I ask. "Well tonight is the festival and all nin from the five nations are invited. So we need to get you a kimono. I can probably get the girls to help you out with that. Since no one is training to day, we can get them pretty easily," he continues.

"Wait- I have to wear a kimono?"


Thank you guys bunches for reading, and voting for my story. I got my first two comments! They were from the same person but still! I love it when you guys comment. Like, comment, and share with your bud! Keep on reading, little butterflies!


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