Moving On

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Naruto POV

I run down the street trying to get her to the hospital. I burst in the door. "HONO-CHAN IS DYING. PLEASE HELP HER!" I yell hysterically. Nurses frantically scuttle around. I pick her up out of my arms and carry her to bed. I try to go in but the shut me out. "We can't have visitors right now. But get Tsunade-sama immediately," the nurse instructs. I run Granny's office. "Hono is in critical condition. She tried to kill herself!" I alert her. Her eyes widen in shock as well as Kakashi's and Sakura's. They all follow me as we race to the hospital. Granny bust open the door. "Get me more towel, antiseptic, Blood and an IV. Stat!" she yells.

3rd POV

Tsunade quickly sews up the wound scaling her entire forearm. She drenches it in antiseptic and dries in off. She wraps bandages around the wound. She opens the door to 3 worried team mates. "She barely made it. It is extreamly difficult to stitch a vertical cut like that. It was so deep and on the veins as well. We are lucky Naruto found her as soon as he did. She could wake up any day now," she takes off the bloody gloves and sighs.

Time skip

It has been three days. Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura hadn't left her side since. Flowers fill vases on the nightstand. All from the nin she knows. Kakashi rests his hands on his head. Naruto and Sakura prop themselves against the side of the bed.

Kakashi feels Hono wiggle. Him as well as the other two shoot up. They stare anticipating and her. She rubs her eyes as she opens them.

Hono POV

I wake up. Not dead. I look to my side and see my team mate crying. "Why are you crying," I croak. "YOU ALMOST DIED HONO!" Kakashi screams. It startles me and I start to breathe heavily. His eyes soften. "Why?" tears wet his mask. Soon I start crying as well.

I tell them everything that happened. "WE do love you. WE do care. YOU are NOT alone," Naruto chants. They surround me in a giant hug. We begin to cry again.

Time skip

Naruto left today to train for awhile. It has been about 3 weeks since the incident. I also get released from the hospital today.

When I sign the release papers, I wheel to my apartment. I decide to go on a vacation I guess. I pack a small bag with everything I need and strap on every piece of weaponry I own. I also collect the headbands on my shelf from all of the villages I have been to in my bag. I go to to hokage's office to ask permission. I wheel up to her desk.

"I wish to leave on a journey to train and find out more about me," Tsunade looks up from her paper work. "Why?"

"I need to get out anyway. I wish to find a cure for my leg, train, as well and find out more about my clan," I state confidently.

"How long will you be gone,"

"About three years," I say.

"If that is what you want," she shakes her head.

"If you don't mind, don't speak of it unless asked by others. I don't want people to worry," I smile.

"If you promise to come back safely,"

"Deal," I grin

I wheel out of the village. So long.

Time skip

I am currently in the Village of Stones being evaluated by a doctor. "Only thing we can do about your leg is to amputate it. Even then it will take a while to adjust to a prosthetic which you can get in the Mist Village," he analyze my leg. "Will I be able to fight again?" I ask. "yes," he looks up at me. "Then do it,"

My leg is cut off at the knee. I still will use my chair until I get a fake leg.

Time skip

I travel to the Mist Village to get a prosthetic. It is a hollow black model extremely light weight and durable. It connect to my nerves painfully but works. I learn to walk again while in the Mist.

Time skip

I go to the Cloud village. Darui helps me rehabilitate and regain my strength. I learn more jutsus, specifically lightning. I spend a year training there.

Time skip

I finally pin point the location of my clan. I am greeted by my older brother. He takes me in for a year and teaches me about the clan. He also helps me form a contract with a summoning animal- a phoenix. I train day and night with each one. I also trained with Zenchi no me. I spend 11 months there.

Time Skip

I spend the rest of my time traveling all over. As well as getting into trouble and spying on the Akatsuki. I had a run in with Orochimaru. We did fight but I escaped with a scar on the red eye. Totally badass if I say so myself. Spent a month captured by him. He tortured me immensely leaving another layer of scars on my torso and legs. I spend the last 12 months spying on the Akatsuki. I had many run ins with them. Oh well. I did learn many things about the member of the organization.

Time skip

I dart away from Deidera and pull down my mask. Today is the end of 3 years. I smirk. I leave him in the dust as I go back to the village of second chances.

Hey hey hey! this is the last chapter is this book but do not fret. I am making a sequel!

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