After talking with Cedrick, I found myself yet awake even after a tiring day. I couldn't remember the last time I did chores inside the house because I usually stays in hotel which is more convenient if your work keeps you from traveling any time any day.
I went back inside the house to go check on Jaymes. Once I was in front of her door, i thought about knocking but i realized it doesn't matter since we both knew that we are the only people inside.
I found her lying in bed, her back turned to me. I know that she probably heard me enter but of course she doesn't want to see me. I took that opportunity to look at her room. I found a couch on the left corner of the room a few feet from the bed. I walked towards it and suddenly felt how tired I really was.
"You know you have to stop crying. Give your eyes some break." I whispered enough for her to hear.
"What are you still doing here?" She asked and sniffed. She turned around and faced me.
Gosh! She really looked like a vampire. Her eyes were blazing red because of crying with dark circles under it.
"Do I really have to keep repeating myself? I'm here to listen."
"Don't expect anything." She answered.
I told myself that I couldn't loose hope. I'll have her talk about it even if it means staying with her for as long as it could get.
"Well it can wait, what you and I both need to do right now is to get some rest." I sighed as I closed my eyes.
"Honestly, you look like a vampire." I continued and looked back at her in time to see her gave me a don't-mess-up-with-me look.
I smiled to myself.
"I don't really undserstand you." Jaymes said on her back staring at the ceiling.
"You're not alone. I couldn't even understand myself too." i joked.
My eyes were starting to shut when I heard a sound click in the earplugs I was wearing earlier when I was talking with Cedrick. Ugh!seriously? Will these two not sleep?
"Do you miss him?" I asked Jaymes because I needed something that the three of us can relate to.
"Who?"she asked innocently.
"Cedrick?" I asked again. Like duh?!who else does she think my subconscious protested.
"I'll be lying if I said no. I do really miss him."
I was caught off guard by her honesty.
"I believe you, besides what'll you get if you lie to me? I'm just not sure if he does." I directed that last sentence to Cedrick whose listening on the other end of the line. I heard him took a deep breath and a heavy sigh.