Chapter xvii- Moving out

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As soon as I pulled my car into a stop, I took my-Cedrick's phone and dialed his-my number. It kept ringing and ringing.

"The monster isn't answering!!!"I angrily whispered to myself. 

I tried calling him again twice more before I opted to get out of the car and check inside the house. I was on my way at the side door with the grocery items at hand when bear came running towards me. He was barking madly. 

I got the grocery items into the kitchen without any trouble. Though Bear and I haven't started as friends, the pooch can't leave my side as if he was scared to go  on his own. 

"Where is Jaymes?" I asked the pooch while petting it's tail.

Bear barked towards the stair as if answering me. Just then, two men clad in white shirt with worn-out pants were walking down, one was holding a guitar case which I guess is Cedrick's and the other one who's a bit more muscular has two suitcases in tow. Jaymes was a few steps behind them. She doesn't look sad at all. She looked outright pissed. I'm just not sure as to whom  it was directed-to those two men carrying Cedrick's stuff onto their car or to Cedrick per se. 

Just when I was about to go to Jaymes' the monster's phone rang. I had to think twice whether or not to answer the call.

"Ugh!I can feel a headache coming."I muttered to myself before taking his call.

"A UHaul? A fucking UHaul?!!" I spit out the moment I pressed the phone to my ear not giving him the chance to even say "hello".

"Hey!Hey" Cedrick answered in a defensive manner. "It's not like what you think." He said hurriedly.

"Well I don't know what to think anymore. So finally, you have decided to end it."

"I'm not trying to put an end into it. I just," he paused.

"You just?" I pried as he failed to continue whatever it was he was saying.

"I just....I can not live with just two pairs of knickers on, alright? I need some of my things-I need my guitar. I need something to take my mind off about this whole crap that has been going on. Everyday, no! every hour, different sites end up putting different stories out there. It's just diving me bloody mad."

"Cedrick,"I started but he cut me off.

"I gotta need to do this, I can't let myself go out there and start doing all the movie promotions as if nothing happened. Damn it! I need a clear head so that I would not look like as stupid as they see me."

"You aren't stupid, alright. Listen to me, jeez, you need not have to read crap articles about you. You of all  people should know  what is really going on. If you need a reminder, no one has even the slightest idea of what the story is. It's just you and Jaymes." 

I heard him took a deep breath so I continued.

"Alright, I know I'm not in the position to say this, but I will anyway...Get all the time you need to sort whatever it is that's bothering you. You, I repeat, only you knows exactly what is next to happen and I sincerely wish you a good luck to that."

"Cedrick!Niccolo's online." Someone shouted from a far on his line.

"Thank you. I have to go, it's my agent."


"Was it Cedrick?"Jaymes asked behind me.

"Jesus Christ!"I exclaimed in shock.

When I turned my head towards the direction of her voice, I saw Jaymes leaning by the counter.

"You scared me. Are they gone now?"I asked avoiding her question.

"Uhum..."she said as i walked out by the kitchen's side door to get a peek outside. Just then I saw several flashes following the Uhaul as it drove away.

"Don't avoid my question." Jaymes said.

I closed my eyes in defeat. Ugh! How can I not get away with it.

"Yeah, it was him." I answered honestly.

"How is he?"

"What kind of answer are you expecting from me?Seriously??"

Jaymes shrugged.

"My agent called,"she started saying while chewing on her lips.

I tilted my head towards the right.

"How is that connected to Cedrick?" I asked confused.

"She said, in a day or two, Ced will be doing his rounds of promotion for his latest movie..."she said as if that will clear my confusion.

"Wait..Wait..Wait.." I said hurriedly walking towards her as she walked to the living area. "Can I just clear something?" I paused as I watch her sit in that Jaymes-ish way. "You're not freaking out? Those guys in weird pants came here, collected several of Cedrick's stuff and drove away with it. This is not the reaction I was expecting to see." I finished in bewilderment.

"Why?were you expecting that I'll fight like a wild cat with those two shit-faced guys?"

The swearing is back-I silently reminded myself.

But before I could give my retort to that, the telephone rang. I stared at it with annoyance and picked it up without thinking.

"Hello"I almost barked at the person on the other end of the line.

"Hello, this is a representative from the City's realtor. Am I speaking with Jaymes Stern?" 

After hearing the word realtor, I wondered why on earth would Jaymes to their likes.

Still confused, I gave the phone to Jaymes. She raised her eyebrow in question.

"A realtor." I answered.

Her eyes grew big in shock and grabbed the phone from my hand.

I left the living room and went to the kitchen to put the groceries in order. As much as I try to not listen to the conversation in the living room, it was made impossible by the fact that the house suddenly became too silent and the only noise was Jaymes' answers to the phone.

"When can I possibly move in?" I heard her say followed by, "Can it not be a day sooner than that?" pause "No, no..." pause "No, I mean, it's unnecessary. Just put it's previous sale mark into sold. Yeah, I don't want my name to." long pause then, "okay, okay that's fine."


I was busy putting the cereals and oats to the cupboard when I heard Jaymes' footsteps into the kitchen followed by Bear's noise. I turned to the table and collected several veggies and put them into the fridge. 

"Excuse me." I said to Jaymes' for she was blocking my way.

"Sorry"she mumbled. "Um...uh..about that.." she stuttered as she pointed to the telephone indicating the call earlier.

I would lie to myself if I would not acknowledge that there is a slight possibility that I might already know what she was about to tell me.

"You don't owe me any explanation about it. We both know that." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"Shit" she exclaimed. "I know, but I guess you deserve to know."

I continued stocking up the refrigerator afraid to look at her, scared that she might see how desperate I am not to hear what she's about to say.

"Look at me"she ordered.

I didn't realize my shoulder was stiff until I started to turn to her direction. I watch her mouth move to the exact words I desperately not want to hear.

"I'm moving out."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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