Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 Material Disputes

    Hearing You Xi's words, Gao Yun and Bian An frowned, but hesitated for a while, and still didn't say anything.

    Chen Ya was taken aback: "Xiaoxi?"

    Chen Ya was not surprised because she didn't hear this matter from her just now, but because she was now forced by everyone to distribute supplies.

    Although he also wants supplies, he can compare his heart with his heart. If the owner of the shop is his family, and this kind of supplies are more important than anything else, and the whole community forces him to share all the things of their family, he reckons fly into a rage.

    But You Xi still said: "It's just that there are too many people in the community, so it must be very troublesome to divide. Now that Aunt Tan has mentioned it, and this garage originally belonged to your family, then I will leave the matter of distributing supplies to you." !"

    "Me?" Tan Qian was taken aback.

    Youxi suddenly changed his attitude and changed his words. Everyone was a little dumbfounded, and then felt embarrassed again, feeling like they just joined forces to bully a little girl.

    But everyone wanted supplies in their hearts, and this shame was fleeting. In order to make up for it, people offered to give Youxi money one after another, so that even if they used the money to buy her family's things, it would not be considered in vain.

    "Forget it, now that you have money, you don't have anything to spend it on. Money is nothing. You can't eat or drink waste paper. Food is the most precious thing." She smoothed the hair on her cheeks, "Okay,

    this one I have handed over the matter to Aunt Tan. She should have the key. After all, it is her garage. But my parents don’t know about it yet. They are not in good health. I’m afraid they will be stimulated. I’ll go home first. Accompany them, it's up to you."

    After finishing speaking, You Xi turned around and walked towards Building No. 3 of her home.

    Behind, someone whispered.

    "What do you mean by this, why did you get stimulated by sharing something?" "

    Is this a deliberate shame?" "

    Forget it, people are willing to share things, just throw it away, go, hurry up Yes, we are also a member of the community, and those who see it have a share."

    "Yeah, although there are a lot of things in the grocery store, there are more people in the neighborhood, so don't go late and you won't get anything..." "

    Ah, then I have to go back and call my parents. portion!"


    You Xi sneered, turned the corner, and entered the unit door.

    Chen Ya couldn't hold back, and finally chased after him: "Xiaoxi, don't be impulsive, I know you are angry, but those are your family's things, as long as you don't want to, I will find a way with Bian An Xiaogao and the others. "

    You Xi smiled at Chen Ya: "Thank you, but I'm afraid you alone can't stop this matter."

    Chen Ya remembered how Gao Yun and the others were neither stopping nor persuading just now, and fell silent for a while.


    When Youxi entered the door, Mother You had already prepared lunch, and Father You winked at her.

    She understood it, and ran to the small room facing north under the pretext of going to the toilet, and put all the hot dishes, soups, and noodle cakes that Father You had packed into the packing boxes on the food shelf in the Star House warehouse.

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