Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Planetary Self-Repair

    (Including 4w nutrient solution plus more)

    Some people take shelter from the rain in small buildings without lightning protection facilities - places like carports and sentry boxes. When lightning strikes the building, it makes a sound like an explosion, and the top of the building is destroyed , and some even ignited flames. There are also people who happen to be against the wall when the lightning strikes, and feel as if they have suffered an electric shock for a moment...

    There are people like Youxi's family of three who happen to be in the car when the thunderstorm hits, but they don't pay attention to the surrounding environment. After being cut off, the burning branches fell directly towards the roof of the car. Fortunately, the heavy rain quickly extinguished the fire, but at first, the pressure of the branches and the panic of the fire on the roof made several people in the car almost faint from fright.

    Some people subconsciously pushed the door and fled to get out of the car, while the people on the side couldn't even pull it.

    However, the person who rushed out did not run very far. A bolt of lightning struck a nearby floor stand, and the flames exploded along the stand. The man suddenly convulsed as if electrocuted, and then fell into the rain... ...

    This abnormally huge thunderstorm lasted for about an hour in S City and several nearby cities, after which the sound of ambulances and fire engines rang out all over the city.

    The thunder and lightning have stopped, but the rain is still falling, which has caused many difficulties to the rescue work.

    Until the day when Youxi's family of three returned safely to the apartment building, the rain had not stopped.

    Because of the thunderstorm, the elevators in the building were out of service. They temporarily put the things they bought in the car, and walked upstairs with only cooked food.

    After arriving home, the three of them didn't have time to eat, so they first checked the switch and electrical appliances at home, and they breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they were in good condition. Fortunately, although the apartment building is tall, there is a very professional lightning arrester device on the roof, so the inside of the building is safe.

    But they were afraid that the thunderstorm would come again, so they temporarily turned off all the power sources and turned on two rechargeable camping lights.

    Afterwards, the three of them began to use their mobile phones and tablets to work and watch the news, and found that the same thunderstorms occurred not only in all parts of the country, but also in various parts of the world, with different chronological order, thunderstorm size and rain intensity.

    Until late at night, the news of other cities being hit by thunderstorms was still being refreshed.

    The only fortunate thing is that these subsequent cities are all prepared for thunderstorms and issued early warning notices in time to minimize personal injuries.

    When the people who escaped the thunderstorm because of the warning rejoiced in their hearts, no one knew that this planet-wide thunderstorm was just a prelude, a beginning.


    After a period of accumulation, the self-repair of the planet has finally come to a burst period.

    After the thunderstorm that day, some plants and animals grew in the most wanton way without most humans being aware of it.

    The experts and scientific researchers who have been monitoring for a long time have already noticed the updated data. The few people on duty were shocked when they saw the data refreshed again and again.

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