Chapter 141 - 150

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Chapter 141 Poisonous centipede and sparrow meat

    On the way down the mountain, they startled a mutated centipede. Before it mutated, it was poisonous and looked terrible. After it mutated, it was as big as a snake—it was the kind of wide, flat snake.

    The opponent squirmed and crawled forward with countless legs, and even raised his upper body towards the front of their car, opening his mouth to spray venom.

    Youxi hurriedly reached out to hold the steering wheel and helped Xu Yan turn the car sharply to avoid it. The venom fell on the grass and turned black, and the smell spread in the air, which was extremely pungent. mask.

    But You Xi, who was only wearing a mask, held her Tang Dao, rushed out of the car in a few steps, and dodged left and right at an astonishing speed. Every time she dodged, she swung the saber accurately, and chopped the centipede into several pieces with one knife. , Finally, he pointed fire at several squirming bodies to completely wipe them out, leaving nothing behind.

    Xu Yan: ...

    The whole process took less than a minute, but she didn't choke or cough, her expression didn't change, and she didn't even panic.

    The battle ended so quickly that he didn't even see which brand of sushi gun she took out to burn the centipede's corpse. The flame seemed too big...You Xi took out a cloth, wiped the

    Tang knife clean, and put it back into the scabbard , and then returned to the car to signal him to continue driving.

    Xu Yan looked at her eyes in a daze, and she was indeed not in a state of tears and redness. She didn't even tilt her hat during the battle just now.

    She felt that he was looking at her, and knew that her excessive fighting power had aroused the other party's doubts, but she just pretended not to understand, and looked back at him calmly: "What's the matter?" Xu Yan wanted to ask her if she had been hiding before

    . A part—no, a large part of her strength, but she was so calm that he couldn't ask.

    After all, it is his own business to hide his strength or not. He was the one who asked for help today, but the other party saved his life without saying a word, and he didn't mean to hide it.

    What else can he ask? The large and dangerous poisonous centipede just now, do you want people to continue to fight with their strength hidden?

    Since you can't help, don't talk too much.

    Xu Yan took off the protective mask, thanked her, and continued to drive the car.

    The town is not far from the foot of the mountain. It is a small town with only a few streets, and there are only three small banks in total.

    The current situation in the town is similar to that in the city. If it is not necessary, everyone should try to avoid going out. The originally bustling tourist town has become extremely cold, and the banks have been closed. Fortunately, there is electricity in the town and the ATMs are open.

    You Xi and Xu Yan ran through the ATMs of the three banks. He entered the bank card passwords of several families one by one, and took out the highest amount of the day. You Xi also took out the highest amount of the cards of himself and his parents. cash out.     Few people in the town could withdraw so much money in one day before, and it was a long time ago that the last time people from the bank came to check the machines, they actually took out all the money in several ATMs.     Xu Yan felt that the trip down the mountain was not easy, so he drove around the town again, wanting to see if there were any shops open and to replenish some supplies.     But it is a pity that most of the supermarkets in the town are privately run. In this case, it is too late for everyone to keep food and supplies for themselves, so how can they open for business again.     Nowadays, the most popular mode in the town is to barter. If this restaurant has a lot of food, I will go to that restaurant to exchange.     Some people know that the homestays on the mountain have breeding and planting areas, but due to the variety of mutated animals and plants encountered on the way up the mountain, few people take risks. However, some elderly people or experienced young people started to loosen the soil and grow vegetables in their yards.     This place is close to the mountains, and there is already a lot of vegetation. After the plants mutate, they are almost the same as before. Most of the people who have to deal with are mutated animals.     Some people in the town have learned about the act of transplanting "ear grass" in the homestay on the mountain, but not every household has the conditions for transplanting, and it is inevitable that various mutated snakes, insects, rats and ants will appear in the yards of each family.     It also makes the simple task of farming a huge challenge.     But in general, the situation here is slightly better than in the big cities.

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