Chapter 251 - 260

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Chapter 251 Prelude to Disaster

    Because of the traffic jam, it was already afternoon when they returned to the villa.

    The three of them only ate some breakfast. Because Mennaton went to the cave in the middle, the three of them had no appetite to eat on the way back, and then encountered a chaotic traffic jam.

    There are too many tourists flocking to the airport to take a plane to leave. The waiting hall of the small airport was crushed by a row of glass doors, and the glass shards fell all over the ground. Many tourists were injured, and some were trampled and seriously injured. , the scene was extremely chaotic.

    After that, several police cars and ambulances came, and they managed to separate the chaotic crowd and take the injured to the hospital.

    The three of Youxi have all experienced various transitions from the peaceful age to the end of the world, and they have seen many of them. This level of chaos has no effect on them. Anyway, they can't leave until the time is up, and they have to stay on the island whether it's chaotic or not.

    They returned in the jeep that Youxi bought in Wukong City, in order to take advantage of the chaos on the island and get more fuel.

    At this stage, no one on the island would come to check her license plate, and they went to several gas stations one after another.

    Youxi first moved the large oil barrels sealed in the item grid to the space door, using the feature of the space door to take out and store liquid without touching, quietly touch the oiler, fill up all these sealed barrels, and then move the items one by one grid. After that, I will fill up all the gas doors or the large storage boxes I bought when I was running around the island for a while.

    At present, the water storage box in her space door occupies 20 cubic meters, and the fuel storage box occupies nearly 15 cubic meters. The reason why the fuel in the space door is not packed in barrels is because the stacked square boxes will not create gaps, which saves space doors.

    When these fuel tanks are filled, there will be about 15,000 liters of gasoline, which is enough for use under any circumstances. Of course, it is far from being filled, so Youxi will seize every opportunity to stock up as much as possible.

    She is used to the mission time door of material freedom, and she feels uncomfortable if these boxes are not filled.


    Their villa is on the southeastern corner of the island, far from the chaotic airport and marina, and from the high street where tourists go shopping.

    Because the nearby villas and water houses are too close to the sea, almost most of the tourists have moved away. Under such circumstances, only a tourist team like the three of Youxi or very experienced tourists dare to live by the sea. Strong traveler.

    After Lin Wu and Tang Yatong checked that the current tap water was okay, You Xi spent some time stocking up on water again before taking a bath, and finally filled the 20 cubic meters of water storage tank with warm water.

    When she came out of the shower, Tang Yatong and Lin Wu, who had already showered, were chopping vegetables in the small island kitchen on the living room side of the villa.

    The three of them hadn't eaten for a whole day, and they didn't feel hungry until they returned to the quiet seaside villa, so Tang Yatong decided to cook a delicious meal for everyone while the kitchen was still available. So he stayed in the kitchen and helped her.

    He passed the okra and asparagus over one side of the water, then cut them into sections according to Tang Yatong's request, and then peeled the garlic head, and prepared the okra and asparagus sauce under Tang Yatong's guidance.

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