the sword and the stone part 1 2/2

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Illusions Pov:

Catra was sleeping at the foot of Adora's bunk in the Horde barracks.

I could hear a voice saying my name


I gasped.

I jolted up and looked around. I smiled at Catra and Adora sleeping, then I gently eased myself out of bed. Catra and Adora opened Their eyes as they saw me walk away.

I exited and got surprised by my mentors.

"Where are you going?"Adora asked.

"Hey, where are you going?"Catra asked the same time as Adora.

"Back to the woods. There's something I need to figure out."I said putting my Jacket on.

"What? You're not--"I covered their mothes as a guard passed.

"What is wrong with you? You've been acting weird since we got back. Are you sure you're not brain damaged?"Catra asked.

"She's not brain damaged this all just because she's tired, illusion bed now"Adora said commandingly.

" Look guys, I know I saw something out there. It's ju- I just need to get another look. It feels important somehow."I said.

"Sounds good. Let's go."Catra said.

" No. I don't want you two getting in trouble on my behalf. Just cover for me okay? I'll be back before anyone knows I'm gone."I smiled before running.

"Illusion!"Adora whispered yelled.


"What are you doing out here illusion,they were right, this is crazy. There's no sword or giant blue stone, you just got hit on the head a little too hard. You should just go back home and forget about all of this."I said to myself.

I then spot a glowing light and approached it.

Moments later, I separate dense bushes and spots an illuminescent sword with the blue stone in the clearing.

But then I saw a girl with pink hair.

They gasped and I gasped

" Horde soldier!"pinky yelled.

"I see her!"arrow guy said"but isn't she a little young for a horde solider?"

"Who cares she's from the horde!"Pinky yelled as I made a run for the stone and sword.

I ran towards the sword and stone but pinky vanishes. She reappears with the sword and the blue stone.

" Bow, catch."Pinky yelled she tosses the sword to who I pressumed was bow while she held the stone.

"Give me the sword and the blue stone."I yelled.

Pinky jumped on my back. I managed to fling her off, then spin a weapon.

"Get off. Stand down. I don't wanna hurt you."I said trying to sound threating but it didn't work it sounded like how I usually sound.

Shy and weak.

" Since when do Horde soldiers not want to hurt anyone?"Pinky yelled.

Pinky explodes a glitter bomb in my face and reaches for the sword and stone.

I kept on top of her. While Bow jumps on top of me and we tussle on the ground.

I reach out and touch the sword and stone. A light emanates from the weapon.


" What?"I said as sparkles appeared around me.

" Hello, illusion"

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