flowers for She-Ra part 3

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No Pov:

"I don't know what I'm doing! I can't heal anything!"Illusion whispered panicked.

"But, the stories say you have healing powers."Bow said.

"They also say I fought the Mantisaur."Illusion said" I don't even know what that is!"

"Why don't you just concentrate really hard? That seems to work whenever you need to transform."Glimmer said.

"Okay."Illusion breathed deeply.

She closes her eyes and grits her teeth. Rainbow beams of light radiate from her hand.

She-Ra grunted.

"No, you punched a tree. That's kinda the opposite of healing."Bow said.

"Let me try again."illusion chuckles nervously.

She-Ra lifts her hand and a beam of light shoots out.

She-Ra grunts as glimmer Shrieks.

"Magic blast. Also not healing."glimmer said

"I'll get it this time."Illusion chuckled nervously.

She tranforms a lizard into a winged unicorn lizard.

"Magical transformation?"Glimmer said.

"Wait, is that what happened to the stone"bow said as saphira growled making bow gulp.

She-Ra grunts

She-Ra kicks her foot and a blast shoots out. Glimmer and Bow wince.

" It's okay. You'll get it soon."Bow said.

" Soon isn't good enough! These people expect me to save their land. I thought I was better as She-Ra, but I'm useless no matter what form I take."Illusion cried.

Saphira nuzzled her worriedly.

Another explosion shakes the Earth. Bow's flower crown wilts and blows away.

" My hat!"Bow yelled.

"She-Ra! Come quickly! Something absolutely terrible has happened!"Perfuma cried.

The Heart Blossom tree withers and pink leaves drift to the ground.

"The Heart-Blossom is dying. Please, She-Ra, heal our land."Perfuma cried.

She-Ra steps forward. Bow gives a thumbs up and she puts her hand on the tree and closes her eyes. Golden light shines.

"Oh, come on, do something."illusion yelled.

Vines creep up the trunk and leaves fall.

"No. "Illusion said sadly.

She morphs back to Illusion.

Everyone gasped.

"Sorry. I don't know how to heal."Illusion said worried and sadly.

" Who are you? And where's She-Ra?"A villager said.

"My name is illusion. I was chosen to carry the sword of She-Ra, but... I haven't been doing this for very long, and I don't know exactly how it works yet."Illusion said worried.

"She's just a girl!"An elder shouted as a few villagers whispered about how small illusion was.

"I never meant to deceive you. I am She-Ra, I'm just not the same She-Ra."Illusion cried.

"Then you can't save us?"Perfuma said sadly.

More smoke wafts into the sky and more vines cover the Heart Blossom. Villagers cling to each other and sob.illusion glances around.

There was an explosion nearby.

There was gasping and crying.

"Wait! There might be another way. I know the Horde. I think they're using one of their machines to poison your land. If we wanna save your home, we have to stop them!"Illusion said.

" You're not She-Ra from the stories. You were supposed to save us."a villager yelled.

"It will be all right, I promise. We will rebuild. We have to believe that the universe will repay the Horde for their evil deeds eventually."perfuma said

" The universe won't protect you! You want She-Ra to fix everything, but won't even try to save yourselves? At least illusion's trying."Glimmer said

" If She-Ra can't save us, no one can. Right now, we just need to make sure our people are safe. We leave today."Perfuma said.

Illusion drops to her knees worried and sad.

" Are you okay?"Glimmer asked worried.

"I just wanted to help. But all I've done is disappoint an entire kingdom. I'm sorry I let you guys down after you talked me up."Illusion said sadly.

"We just wanted everyone to see what an awesome person you are. I thought I was being supportive, but I was actually being terrible!"bow cried.

"illusion, She-Ra's not the reason we like you. We like you because you're our friend."Glimmer said.

Smoke billows up and illusion stands.

There was another explosion.

" You have a plan, don't you?"Glimmer said.

"Yeah. I think I do."Illusion said.


"All clear."Illusion said"saphira watch from the sky"

"All clear from up here"Saphira said telepathically.

They sneak in the camp, wearing Horde uniforms.

"Okay, we need to find the machine. Every Horde camp is laid out the same. Guard duty's in half-hour shifts, so we walk in when the shift changes in three, two, one."Illusion said.

Horde soldier 1: Shift change!

Horde soldier 2: Finally! I swear, boring shifts go by slower.

Illusion enters the base. Tubes filled with green liquid bubble and smoke.

Illusion gasped seeing the tubes.

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