the sword part 2 of Part 2

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No Pov:

In the forest village, the inhabitants dance and frolic as Illusion arrived carrying the stone.

"Okay, the jacket comes off."Glimmer said.

"What? Why?"Illusion protested.

" If the villagers see a Horde soldier, they'll freak out. We gotta fix all this."Glimmer said gesturing at the demon making her self conscious.

Illusion removes her grey charcoal jacket and Glimmer offers her cape as a sash to cover the horde logo on her shirt.

"I feel ridiculous."Illusion cried.

"That's 'cause you need something to tie it all together."Bow said.

Bow puts a flower in her hair.

It was a ruby red colour matching her eyes and tail.

" I don't like it."Illusion cried cringing at the flower in her blonde hair.

" Point is, you don't look like a Horde soldier. Just keep a low profile. We'll be in and out."Glimmer said as They enter the village.

"What is this?"Illusion asked.

"It's a festival. Like a big party. You don't have parties in the Fright Zone? "bow asked.

"Oh, right, parties. I mean, yeah, pfft, of course. I, uh-- I don't know what that is."Illusion said lying and laughing.

Adora did throw small secret birthday Training session completed with a vitamin bar smashed into a cake shape.

It was a nice surprise from one of her mother figures.

Bow gasped at hearing Illusions response to his question.

"Did you even hear me? I said, in and out! "Glimmer said.

" She has never been to a party before, Glimmer! This is serious."Bow cried.

Bow leads illusion to a food stand. He hands her a piece of food.

Illusion takes a bite and her eyes light up at the flavour.

It was amazing.

A villager tries to put a wreath on Glimmer's head and she swats him away. Later, musicians play as they sit at a table, and illusion stuffs food in her mouth.

Glimmer shoves a plate of food over, and illusion devours it.

Soon after, they pass young children playing a piñata-like game. A youth hands Illusion a stick of wood and she approaches the dangling toy, wearing a fierce expression.

She whacks it and cracks it open. The kids run forward to collect the innards.

Later, a villager preforms with his hands in front of a crowd of youths.illusion watches wide-eyed behind a tree, amazed. Glimmer stands beside her.

"So, seriously? No parties ever? What do you guys do on your birthday? "bow asked.

"Huh?"Illusion asked

" No birthdays?! How is your life this sad?"Bow gasped.

"Well if you count a birthday Training session as a party then yeah??"Illusion said.

"What. is .that!?!? "Illusion gasps.

She points to a horse, grazing in a meadow.

"That would be a horse."

" It's majestic."Illusion said smiling widely and cutely.

"You wanna go meet it? "Bow laughed at the young horde solider.

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