Seagate part 2

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No Pov:

On the other side of the Sea Gate where the Dragon's Daughter III has docked; Bow's feet crunch on the shore as he leaps off the ship.

"...Where is everyone?"Bow asked.

Wind blows as they look on at the empty city.

"Hmm...very odd, indeed. If I know the princess Mermista--and I-I do--something's amiss."Seahawk raid.

There was yelling from far away, echoing.

" Halt! Halt! Halt, I say! "It was a guard he runs and pants towards the crew; with effort.

" ...Halt... "he finally reaches them and stops to catch breath; out of breath.

" ...What's your business in Salineas?"

" We've come to speak with Princess Mermista--"Glimmer said.

Sea Hawk shouldered Glimmer out of the way; smugly.

"Tell her Sea Hawk is with them, she'll be excited to see me."

Timeskip to the Salineas throne room.

Mermista in a slight groan.

"Ew, who let him back in here?"She groaned.

Saphira layed down as the group entered.

Sea Hawk runs to Mermista's throne as the crew and the guard follow at a walking pace.

"Princess! Oh, it's been too long. I have dreamed of you night and day since we parted."Seahawk serenaded.

"Uh-huh... "Mermista looked at the crew behind him.

"And who are you?"

The Guard shoves Sea hawk from behind as they pass, making Sea Hawk grunt.

"My name is Glimmer of Bright Moon. We've never met, but our parents fought in the Rebellion together."Glimmer said.

Mermista huffed disinterestedly.

"Oh, yeah... I remember hearing about the old Princess Alliance. My dad said it was a total disaster."She said.

" I didn't think it was possible but your beauty grows greater with each passing day--"Seahawk said to Mermista before the Guard elbows Sea Hawk and he grunts.

" Will you quit it? I'm trying to talk to my new friend Twinkle. ...Butler "Mermista said as the Guard quickly leans staff against the throne and dons a cloth over their arm.

"can you bring us some hors-d'oeuvres?"

The guard walks away.

"Oooo, hors-d'oeuvres!"Seahawk said happily.

"For everyone but Sea Hawk."Mermista said.

Sea Hawk sits next to her/sidles himself onto the armrest of the throne.

"Your guard is also your butler?"Bow said.

"I'm a little understaffed right now. "Mermista elbows Sea Hawk to get out of her space and picks up her staff.

"Everybody fled because the Gate is falling apart or whatever..."She gets up to walk to a window

" What?!"The group yelled.

" Yeah, I know, right? "Mermista said.

She gestures with her staff and the water flowing over a window magically recedes.

" It figures that I would inherit a kingdom that's crumbling, but it's totally fine--I'm...handling it. It's just kind of inconvenient because the Horde won't stop attacking us..."

"Why is the gate falling apart?"Glimmer asked.

" I mean, who knows, but it's getting weaker everyday, and if the Horde tries to attack us again, we're pretty much dead."Mermista said.

"The Horde is the reason we're here. We want to rebuild the Princess Alliance. None of us stand a chance on our own, but we might be able to stop them together."Glimmer said.

Mermista walked away from the window as the water begins to fall again, lightly hissing; chuckles darkly, half-scoffing.

"Yeah, cause that went so great the first time. Why should I help Bright Moon? It's not like they've ever done anything to help us."Mermista groaned.

"Mermista, if I may--"Seahawk said as he begins to hum a shanty.

"No, no more shanties."Mermista said before turning to Glimmer.

"Why did you bring him here? He is so"she said through clenched teeth, groaning" annoying..."

Bow turned to Sea Hawk.

"I thought you said she liked you?"

"We have a rich and complicated past."Seahawk said.

Mermista was walking back to sit in her throne."if by that you mean you got us kicked out of the Dolphin Social for challenging the doorman to a duel, then sure."

Mermista grunts as Sea Hawk flings himself into her lap, causing her to drop her staff, clanging on the floor; chuckles slightly.

"i..I don't recall doing that."Seahawk said.

" And that time that you set our gondola on fire in the Tunnel of Love? "Mermista said as she tosses Sea Hawk grunting onto the floor at the last word.

Sea Hawk righted himself and leaning on an elbow on her throne; chuckles, trilling.

" Ooo...that I do recall."

Illusion walks over to a wall mural.

"...This is First One's writing."Illusion said.

"And, who is she again? What is she doing?"Mermista asked.

"This is  Illusion. She has a magic sword and a giant dragon"bow said holding Illusion's shoulders as the girl waved.

Saphira raised her head proudly.

Glimmer was running over to stand next to Illusion.

" What does it say?"She asked.

Illusion was touching the mural.

"'s something about the Gate... The First Ones must have built it. It looks like the Gate gets its power from the Salinean Runestone... It could be that the Gate is failing because it's losing its connection to the power source."Illusion said.

" Do you think you can fix it?"Glimmer asked.

" I can try..."Illusion stuttered but she smiled.

Glimmer walked back toward Mermista.

" Look, Mermista. You need our help, and we need yours. If Illusion can repair your gate, will you consider joining us? Please?"Glimmer pleaded.

Mermista was throwing her head back making it pat softly on the back of her throne; groaning.

"I don't know...I guess... "She was pointing to Sea Hawk; enunciates." But he has to leave."

Sea Hawk sadly.

" But...where am I supposed to go?"Seahawk said sadly.

Bow grabbed Sea Hawk by the shoulders and walking him toward the door; attempting reassurance.

"...Maybe wait with the boat, okay, buddy? We'll take care of the gate."Bow smiled.

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