Razz part 1

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No Pov:

"Hey, we made it."Bow said.

" Whoa."Illusion said in awe.

"Welcome to Bright Moon."Glimmer said smiling.

"It's so beautiful."illusion said.

"Okay, I just need to go in there, recharge, and deal with my mom.This'll be fun."Glimmer groaned"Uh, Bow? Maybe we should take illusion in the back way?"

"Oh, yeah. Good call."Bow said.

"What's the back way?"Illusion asked.

Illusion and Bow climbing up a cliff.

Illusion had the stone in her shirt and the sword on her back.

"This is the back way?"Illusion asked.

"It might seem weird, but we totally come in this way all the time."Bow said"Oh! Hey, here. Why don't you put this robe on? No reason."

" You're trying to hide me."Illusion said slightly hurt.

"What? No!"Bow said his voice cracking.

" Okay, I get it. I'm guessing the people of Bright Moon are gonna be a little less welcoming of a Horde soldier than you led me to believe."Illusion said.

"Maybe a little."Bow said.

"How little?"Illusion asked.

"Think pitchforks and torches."Bow answered.

Illusion groans as she held the stone.

"It's just that the people of Bright Moon have been really hurt by the Horde. Everyone here has lost someone in the war. You can't blame them for being a little suspicious."bow said.

"sorry."illusion said sadly.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Once they get to know you, the people of Bright Moon are going to trust you just like Glimmer and I already-"Bow said.

Bow shrieks as Glimmer appears.

" I'm here! Okay, my mom's on her way, but no one panic."

" What?!"Illusion panicked.

" I said no one panic!"Glimmer yelled"Don't worry, she'll love you. All you have to do is use the sword to transform into She-Ra before she gets here."

"Wait, we're jumping straight to She-Ra with your mom? Are you sure?"Bow said.

" Yeah, I don't think my mom is going to buy, "Hey mom, we found a Horde soldier. Can we keep her?""Glimmer said.

"My mom is gonna love She-Ra. We can ease her into the Horde stuff later."Glimmer smiled.

"Uh, Glimmer, look. I don't know if I can just 'turn on' She-Ra. I've only done it when someone was in danger before, and it felt a little out-of-control last time. I'm still figuring out how all of this stuff works."Illusion said worried.

" How hard can it be? Sword, magic words, poof! She-Ra!"Glimmer said smiling"Hey. You're gonna do great, okay? Bow and I will go buy you some time. Just hang out here with the sword and think She-Ra thoughts. I believe in you!"

Bow grunts as Glimmer grabs him and teleports away.

"Right. Okay, sword, it's just you and me now. So, uh...let's do this."Illusion chuckles.

"For the honor of Gray-"

Illusion tripped and fumbled with the sword.

"Ow"she said as a bottle fell on her head.

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