Flowers for She-Ra Part 1

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No Pov:

" This is awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon!"yelled excitedly.

Guards were whispering I don't trust her.

"Yeah, awesome."illusion whimpered slightly.

" Okay. You've seen the dining hall, the throne room, the portrait hall. So, the last stop on our grand tour is... your new room! Ta-da!"Glimmer smiled.

It has a cathedral ceiling and canopy bed.

Illusion gasped,it was large not cramped like the horde.

"It's pretty standard. You've got your vanity, the bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk, and of course, the waterfall."glimmer smiled.

" Is the waterfall for showering?"illusion asked.

"Ha! Good one, illusion. "Waterfall for showering."glimmer laughed" I'm right down the hall if you need anything. Night."

Saphira landed on the balcony her elegant head appearing.

'New room I see' Saphira said telepathically.

"Yeah it's a lot different than my old one"Illusion said looking around.

Saphira layed down as illusion jumped into the bed.


The Door closes as Glimmer leaves.

"Okay. This is different than the Fright Zone, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this in no time."Illusion smiled but then She sinks into the bed.

" Help."illusion grunts

Illusion tries to climb out of the cushions in the circular canopy bed. She punches a pillow.

Saphira picked her up by her shirt using her mouth and put her on properly on the bed.

" Come on, get flatter!"Illusion huffed.

It then rips sending feathers flying.

" No! Go back in! Go back in!"Illusion yelled.

The Feathers explode from the cushion and she exits the room.

"Glimmer? Glimmer? I think I killed the bed."Illusion whisper Shrieks. But then walked straight into Angela" Ma'am! I mean, Your Majesty. Sir!"

Illusion bows on one leg and salutes. She wipes feathers from her face.

" So uh, what are you doing up?"Illusion asked stuttering.

"When I feel the cares of the day weighing upon me, I come here."Angela said.

" Who is that?"illusion asked.

" King Micah. My husband. He built the Rebellion with me. And he was one of the first casualties of The Horde."Angella said.

"Sorry. I didn't know."Illusion said sadly.

"Illusion. My daughter believes you can help us. Glimmer has vouched for you despite your background. And because I greatly love my daughter, I am willing to give you a chance. Do not disappoint her."Angela said sort of harshly as illusion gulped.

'You will do fine illusion' saphira said.

The queen walks away.

The next morning, Glimmer wakes in her suspended bed.

Glimmer was snoring and then yawned.

Illusion was  asleep beside her.

Illusion and Glimmer screamed.

Illusion grunt's as a pillow is throw at her.

Glimmer startles and falls to the floor.

"Glimmer! Are you okay?"Illusion gasped.

"What are you doing in here?"Glimmer asked.

" I'm sorry! I couldn't sleep in my room. I've never slept without any other people around before because I always had my moms. And then I ran into your mom, I think she doesn't like me very much."Illusion said quickly.

"What? My mom loves you."Glimmer said.

"Yeah, sure. She loves She-Ra and her dragon."Illusion said.

"My Mom can be... a little intense, heh. But, our weekly meeting with the Rebellion Generals is today and you're invited. She wouldn't have invited you if she didn't like you."Glimmer smiled.

Later, illusion, saphira,Glimmer, and Bow enter the meeting room. The walls are covered with paintings.

"Wow. Heh."Illusion said

Illusion touches the drawing of a figure on the wall.

Saphira layed down by a chair looking massive next to it.

" Come on. Meeting's about to start."Glimmer said.

" Uh, the chairs are still empty."Illusion said.

"Those are for the other Etherian Princesses, but... none of them have been active members since I was a kid. The Rebellion had a big defeat years ago, and most of the old Princesses gave up. Now all the kingdoms keep to themselves, and the new Princesses do the same.'Glimmer said sadly.

"Other than Spinnerella and Netossa. Hey, guys!"bow then whispered"We're not really sure what they do."

" Ah."Illusion smiles.

Illusion sits, and the others gasp.

"What? What? I don't understand."Illusion gulped.

"This is not your chair."Angela said harshly as illusion jumped.

"Sorry! First day. Won't happen again!"Glimmer said scared.

" What did I do?"Illusion said scared

"You sat in my dad's chair."Glimmer whispers.

"Oh... Oh. I'm sorry."Illusion whispered sadly remembering what Angella Told her,as Queen Angella strokes the chair.

"I've asked you here because I've received a distress call from Princess Perfuma. The Horde is laying siege to her kingdom. She's asking Bright Moon for assistance. General?"Angela said.

"Perfuma's kingdom, Plumeria, is located near the front lines. The Horde has set up camp in their territory, cutting off their main supply route"A bright moon general said.

" Bright Moon will provide food and humanitarian aid."Angela said.

" Ooh! I have a better idea. We can--"

"Fight the Horde? Glimmer, you propose this idea every meeting."Angela said.

"No! I was going to say, let's use aggressive fist-to-face sparkles."Glimmer smiled.

"I said, no, Glimmer. Now sit down!"Angela said.

Glimmer huffs.

"You should send me with saphira, Glimmer, and Bow to lead the relief mission. You can send me as She-Ra. I'll make sure everyone gets there safely and protect Bow and Glimmer if the Horde attacks. I promise, I won't disappoint you."Illusion said.

"Very well. You will deliver food and supplies to Plumeria, and under no circumstances will you engage the Horde. You leave at dawn."Angela said.

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