1 - Fixes

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tw: body shaming

[ Shadow Pov ]

I walked around Mobius, trying to clear my thoughts and stay calm. It had been a peaceful day. Rouge hadn't pissed me off this morning, and the commander said I had the next two weeks off. 

Looking at my surroundings, I spotted a small flower shop. It was hidden between the corners of two other restaurants, which had people walking in and out by the second. 

Walking in, I looked around the shop. The bell behind me jingled quietly as I let the door fall from my hands.

Relieved that nobody was here, I slowly explored the shop, admiring each and every flower put out for display. I picked up a small pink rose and brought my nose to it, enjoying the smell. 

All of a sudden, I felt two strong arms wrap around my legs. Whipping around, my terse stance softened as I saw a small, cream-colored rabbit hugging me with a smile.

"Hi, Mr. Shadow!" She beamed, a tiny, sky-blue chao chirping along with her. 

"Hello, Cream." I said with a soft expression. "Hello to you too, Cheese." I added as I felt the young chao land on my head. He chirped happily as he played with my eyes, making Cream giggle.

"He likes you, Mr. Shadow!" Cream beamed, twirling her dress slightly. Nodding in response I looked to the front desk to see Vanilla walking up to us.

"Hello, Shadow. Fancy seeing you here." She said with a warm smile. She put a hand on Cream's shoulder and squeezed it lovingly.

"Mama! I think Mr. Shadow wants to buy some flowers!" The small rabbit chimed, pulling on Vanilla's dress repeatedly.

"Oh no, I'm not here to buy anything," I explained, "I was just looking around. I didn't know you owned this place Ms. Vanilla."

The taller rabbit nodded and walked over to the light pink roses I had been staring at. She picked up a few of them and brought them to her counter. Along the way, she grabbed a few stems of lavender and sunflowers.

Setting them down on the table, she gently wrapped them in brown paper. Tying a small dark green ribbon around it, she rose from her desk and handed the bouquet to me.

"This one is on the house, since it's your first time here." She said with a large, warm smile. I hesitantly took the bouquet in my hand and looked at her.

''Ms. Vanilla, you don't need to give me these, I don't have any use for them. At least let me pay for them." I said, not wanting her good deed to go unrewarded. Vanilla shook her head as she walked to the door, opening it for me.

"It's my pleasure, and please, just call me Vanilla. 'Miss' makes me feel old." She laughed as I walked out the door.

I thanked her and continued my venture through Mobius. The sun had begun to set, and the sky was painted in different shades of pink and purple. I glanced at the flowers in my hands and reflected on Vanilla's generosity. Not aware of my unconscious walking, I bumped straight into another Mobian.

Zoning back into reality, I noticed bright, green eyes staring straight into mine. Groaning inwardly, I collected myself and tried to keep my calm composure.

"Faker." I said, watching as he realized what was going on.

"Oh! Hey, Shads! What're you doing here?" The azure said with a smug grin. I stopped myself from lashing at the stupid nickname and decided to answer.

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