6 - Birthday... surprises?

186 16 45

[ time skip of one week ]

[ Shadow Pov ]

I stood in a small crowd of familiar faces. They sang a cheerful tune as they grouped around a medium sized table. In the center of the table was a large, frosted cake and standing behind it was a smiling and flushed Sonic.

I sang softly along with everyone else, not wanting to be heard, but the azure smiled brightly towards me, his face red from embarrassment. Feeling my face heat up, I looked away not wanting him to see the red on my muzzle.

After everyone had stopped singing, Sonic blew out the few candles on this cake and smiled. Right afterward, Amy threw herself on the azure and latched onto his arm. He smiled weakly and she flooded him with birthday wishes and compliments.

Once the rosette detached from him, Tails practically jumped on the azure hugging him tightly. Knuckles punched his shoulder playfully and grinned. Sonic playfully grinned back and pulled him into a side hug.

I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy as I watched them laugh together. Something inside me wished I was in Knuckles' place. Turning my head, I scanned the crowd to get my mind off of my thoughts.

Silver and Blaze stood beside each other, smiling towards each other as they held small pieces of cake on their plates. Vanilla helped slice cake for everyone and gently handed a piece to Cream with a smile.

Charmy buzzed around in the air, Vector crossing his arms in annoyance. Watching the two's rebuttal, Espio chuckled softly.

"Oh, Sonic! I forgot to mention," Tails said, detaching himself from the azure, "there's two more guests!" He beamed, flying happily to the door. One of Sonic's ears tilted in question as Tails landed, his eyes gleaming in excitement. Opening the door, Sonic gasped.

"Tangle! Whisper!" He shouted as the wolf and lemur walked inside.

"Happy birthday, Sonic!" Tangle shouted, hugging her friend tightly. Hugging back, Sonic smiled brightly.

"Wow, you guys are here! But you live so far away, how did you get here so quickly?" He asked, letting go of the tall lemur.

"We have our ways.." Whisper said softly, holding up her Whispon slightly. Sonic ran over to the wolf and hugged her gently.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it!" He said. I watched as everybody came forward to greet the two and decided to follow along.

Waiting till everyone mellowed out and approached the two.

"Hey, Edgy the Hedgy!" Tangle joked, punching my arm lightly.

"Nice to see you guys, you must have been traveling for a while." I said, taking a bite of the nicely sliced, chocolate cake.

"I suppose.. surprisingly, we got here quicker than expected." Whisper said with a small smile.

Suddenly, there was another knock on the front door. Confused, I looked over at Tails as did everyone else. He looked back at all of us blankly

"Don't look at me, I didn't invite anyone else." The fox said, raising his hands up into the air defensively.

"There wasn't anyone else on the guest list.." Amy said, glancing down at a small piece of paper in her hands.

"Maybe you forgot to write someone down." Rouge suggested, taking a glance at the paper.

"No, this is everyone.." The rosette answered with furrowed brows.

"I guess we should probably open the door and see who it is.." Amy said, reaching her hand to the knob. Twisting it, she opened the door and stood in the doorway. She put on a confused expression as she looked at the person, as did everyone else.

The person walked through the door and came into view. I felt the quills rise on my neck realizing I recognized the man. He was tall, had scruffed up quills, and sharp light green eyes. It was the man from the photo.

The man stopped walking and scanned the room, his eyes landing on Sonic. I looked towards the azure and felt a pang of confusion as well as worry. He looked like he had just seen a ghost, and stood wide-eyed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but.. do we know you?" Amy asked, shutting the door behind her. The man shook his head and took off his shoes.

"No, no.. I just came to wish my son a happy birthday.." He said in a deep tone. Everybody's eyes widened and there were quiet gasps, a few murmurs.

"Sonic, that's your dad?" Silver asked, the piece of chocolate cake in his mouth muffling his words. I switched my eyes from the snow-furred to the cobalt, noticing his ears flattened to the back of his head. Immediately, I knew something wasn't right about this man.

"Uh– y-yeah.." Sonic stuttered, shifting his feet.

"Wow, it's nice to meet you!" Blaze greeted, walking up to him and shaking his hand. "Sonic's never talked about you." She added after letting go.

"Oh, he hasn't?" He asked, taking a glance back at Sonic, who felt his stomach drop at his father's menacing glare.

"What's your name, old man?" Knuckles said jokingly, giving him a light punch on the arm.

"Jonathan, but you can just call me John." The sky-furred answered, giving the echidna a rough side-hug.

Everyone continued to crowd around John, asking him questions, but I stayed behind. I saw Vanilla cutting another piece of cake as she eyed the sky-furred with suspicion. Walking past her, I stood beside Rouge and crossed my arms.

"What's bothering you, hun?" She asked, her ears turning my direction. I sighed heavily and growled under my breath.

"It's that man, Rouge. Something doesn't sit right with me about him being here, and Sonic doesn't look too pleased he showed up either." I explained, watching how Sonic shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so." Rouge answered, her ear flicking in thought. "I'm not getting good feelings from him either."

I nodded and glared at Sonic's father menacingly. I knew something was up, and I had to put an end to it quickly.

. . .



1014 words! sorry its shorter! ^^"

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