7 - Numbers

167 17 36

[ Shadow Pov ]

. . . 

"It's that man, Rouge. Something doesn't sit right with me about him being here, and Sonic doesn't look too pleased he showed up either." I explained, watching how Sonic shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so." Rouge answered, her ear flicking in thought. "I'm not getting good feelings from him either."

I nodded and glared at Sonic's father menacingly. I knew something was up, and I had to put an end to it quickly.

. . .

[ Sonic Pov ]

I felt my chest tighten as I saw my father glare at me menacingly. My ears lowered to my head and I felt myself stumble.

"Wow, it's nice to meet you!" Blaze greeted, walking up to the latter and shaking his hand. "Sonic's never talked about you." She added after letting go.

"Oh, he hasn't?" He asked, staring directly at me. I felt my stomach flip at his words, as they slipped through his mouth with the venom only I could recognize.

"What's your name, old man?" Knuckles said jokingly, giving him a light punch on the arm.

"Jonathan, but you can just call me John." He answered, giving the echidna a rough side-hug. I felt anger and fear bubble up inside me. He could so easily put on a show and seem like a great person. The only thing I dreaded was when he would show his true self.

I felt my heartbeat quickening and felt my breathing become heavy. I stumbled backward and headed toward the stairs. Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I looked over my shoulder to see my father staring daggers at me.

Before running up, I glanced over the other side of my shoulder to see Shadow looking at me, question and concern evident in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I ran up the stairs and made my way to my room.

I shut the door behind me and leaned against the doorframe. I slid down to the floor heavily and hugged my knees. As much as I hated to admit it, I was afraid. Afraid of what could happen, afraid of the past.

Tears began to stream down my face as I hugged my knees tighter. Hearing a knock on the door behind me, I jumped.

Wiping my tears I stood up, sniffing a few times. I opened the door and was surprised to see Shadow standing at the doorway.

"Were you crying?" He asked, taking a step towards me and examining my current state.

"No. I poured water all over my face." I said sarcastically, walking towards my bed and flopping face down on it. I felt weight on the edge of my bed and looked up to see Shadow sitting beside me. He sighed heavily and leaned on his hands. 

[ Shadow Pov ]

I looked at Sonic with concern. He had only been up in his room for a minute and had already cried. Something inside of me told me that his father was the cause of it. Wanting to lighten the mood, I changed the subject. 

I watched as Sonic stared blankly at the photo on his nightstand. Taking a glance at it, I observed the two figures in the frame. One was a small child, who I assumed was Sonic at a younger age, and a taller hedgehog with silky purple quills and bright blue eyes.

"Faker," I said.


"Is that your mother?" I asked, watching as his ears flicked swiftly. His eyes softened and almost seemed to be laced in sadness.

"Yeah." He whispered, his eyes beginning to glaze over unconsciously. I decided not to mention it, not wanting to cause any issues.

"She's pretty." I said, casting him a glance. "You have her face."I watched as Sonic's eyes lit up slightly as he met my gaze. "You think so?" He asked, genuine happiness evident in his tone. 

I nodded slowly with half lidded eyes. It felt nice to see him smile. But just as quickly as the thought came, I felt sadness stab me straight in the chest.

This was the first time I had actually seen him happy.

"Sometimes I wish I had a mother." I mumbled, laying on my back beside him. He hummed in response and closed his eyes tiredly.

A knock sounded on the door, so I sat up slowly and opened it. Amy stood in front of me with a confused expression.

"Oh, Shadow? What are you doing here?" she asked, folding her hands in front of her. I shrugged tiredly and looked over my shoulder to Sonic, who had opened his eyes to stare at the rosette.

"Do you have a problem with me being here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her. "Is it so hard to believe I might actually be a good friend to him?"

"Well I don't know about friends.." She muttered angrily, jealousy clearly evident in her features.

"What do you need, Rose?" I said abruptly, not wanting to start an argument. She took a deep breath and crossed her arms.

"John needs a place to stay for the night. He was wondering if he could use the guest room." She said, glancing at Sonic.

He's seriously inviting himself to sleep here?

I glanced over at Sonic and saw uncertainty in his eyes. He flicked an ear and looked towards the floor.

"I guess he can.. he did travel a long way after all..." He mumbled.

"Great!" Amy smiled, clapping her hands. "I'll go let him know!"

The rosette closed the door and left the two of us alone. I looked towards him and pulled out my phone. I handed it to Sonic and pulled up my messages.

"Put in your number," I said, the azure's confusion present in his eyes. "Text me if you need anything."

He nodded and typed in his number quickly, his face a light shade of red. I was genuinely concerned for Sonic, and afraid of what might happen when it was just him and his father alone.

"Alright," I said. "Let's go downstairs." I took my phone back and opened the door. I walked out and Sonic walked out behind me.

"I'm always free to talk." I added. I looked over my shoulder and saw him nod slightly. Once we reached the living room, Rouge called for me across the dining room table.

"Shadow, we need to get going." She said, flying towards me. I nodded and walked to the door.

Before walking out, I looked at Sonic and glanced at his phone and back to him. Getting the gesture, he nodded back and waved goodbye. I nodded and walked out, secretly hoping nothing bad would happen once I left.

. . .

1126 words!! whadya guys think??

next chapter is going to be.. heavy 

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