4 - Nightmares

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[ Sonic Pov ]

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I groaned quietly as the memory flashed through my head.

She's not coming back.

"No.." I groaned, pushing my ears downwards.

It's all your fault. You're the reason she wanted to leave this god forsaken earth.

An image of a tall Mobian entered my head. A bottle hung loosely from his hand and he stared down at me angrily. I watched as he brought the bottle upwards menacingly.

"No no no no no..."

Before the man could bring his hand down, my bedroom door creaked open. I wiped my eyes quickly and turned to see Shadow staring at me in concern. 

"Faker, what's going on?"

. . .

"O-oh, hey- Shadow..-" I stuttered through hitched breathing. I tried to take deep breaths but it only resulted in me hyperventilating more. I coughed and hugged myself tightly, in hopes to contain myself.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Shadow said, concern and panic evident in his voice. He walked toward my bed slowly and sat on the edge.

"Hahah.. Yeah! I'm fine.." I laughed, clearly not fine. Tears streamed down my face and I chuckled weakly as I remembered the sounds of my memories. Glancing up at Shadow, I observed how concerned he looked. There was uncertainty and worry in his eyes as he gently grabbed my arm.

"No..!" I yelped softly, drawing my hand back quickly. "I-" I felt more tears run down my face and my heart beat faster. Shadow drew his hand away with widened eyes. He took my hand instead and softened his gaze.

"Sonic." He said, making me cry out of guilt.

"Sonic, look at me." He repeated, now holding both of my hands. I looked up at him with glazed eyes, shaky breaths escaping my lips. He gently leaned closer to me and pulled me into a firm but gentle hug.

It took me a second to realize what was happening before I tightly hugged him back and closed my eyes. Hitched sobs came from my mouth as I dug my face into his shoulder.

It had been so long since anybody hugged me. A true hug. Not just a side hug that friends would use to greet you. The last person that had given me a hug was my mother, and that was six years ago.

I held on the Shadow tighter, not wanting to lose what I had been needing all these years. I needed to be held in somebody's arms, just a little longer.

"Sonic..- I need to breathe..-" Shadow strained above me. I loosened my grip slightly but didn't let go. The tears falling from my eyes had lessened, which left them red, puffy and tired. I looked up a bit to stare at the latter hedgehog above me. He looked at me with disquiet, and brought his hand to my face slowly.

I closed my eyes as I felt his hand gently wipe the tears from my face. I opened them again just to stare into his bright red pools. I perceived the way he looked at me and noticed how gentle his features were. He was so.. calm..

"Sonic.." He spoke barely over a whisper, "is there something you need to tell me?" He asked, both of his hands lifting me up to my knees. I sighed as I sunk heavily into my sheets.

"Not right now.." I mumbled, "I'm not ready."

Shadow nodded and looked to the side, trying to find some sort of reassurance.

"Would you like me to stay with you?" He asked, his eyes meeting mine. "That way I can be here to calm you down if you have another attack."

I felt my face get warm from the offer, but my heart felt so much more. It felt gratefulness, and appreciation. It felt a sense of comfort. I nodded slightly and shuffled myself back under the covers.

"What time is it?" I whispered, watching as Shadow grabbed a small chair in the corner of my room.

"3:37" He replied, "You should probably sleep in." He said as he brought the chair to the end of my bed and sat with his head resting against his hand.

"Y'know, you can stay here with me.. I don't mind." I mumbled, my face growing warm. I watched as a light red shaded Shadow's muzzle. He nodded and moved the sheets aside, slipping one leg in after another. Fully under the covers, he turned himself to face me making eye contact.

Trying my best not to stare, I moved my eyes from his face to his hands which were ungloved and resting over the cover and on his chest.

"You have claws." I said, my ears lifting in interest. He looked downward and turned his hand to look at his palm.

"Yeah.. I've always wondered if I was the only one." He said, blinking slowly.

"I think Tails and Silver have them." I said, watching as he observed his hand. To be honest, I thought it was adorable. I brought my hand from under the covers and faced them towards Shadow.

"See? I kinda have them, they're just not as defined." I said. One of Shadow's ears flicked as he brought his hand back to his chest.

"As much as I want to stay up and talk, Faker, we need to sleep. I haven't rested decently in a little while." He said with a worn out tone. I nodded and brought the covers about half way over my face, cuddling into them. I opened my eyes and was amused at how in a matter of seconds, the ebony had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Chuckling to myself, I found myself taking ahold of his hand and bringing it towards me. I let my fingers run over the tiny, sharp claws on his hands and brushed through the soft fur.

Looking at the one red finger on his hand, I trailed my eyes upward along the line that ran across Shadow's arm. My eyes eventually landed on his face, his features not in their normal angered state. They were calm, and.. pretty..

No! What the heck, Sonic!

I shook my head quickly and closed my eyes. I felt heat rise in my face and creep onto my muzzle. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid! You cant be thinking things like that!

I opened my eyes slightly as I heard a soft noise. Directing my ears towards it, my eyes widened realizing what it was. 

Shadow had begun purring beside me, and most probably completely unaware of it! I felt my heart grow warm and my face become slightly flushed. As much as he would hate if he heard it himself, he was adorable. 

Finally content with my night, I shut my eyes and let the forces of sleep drag me away.

. . .

chapter 4 yay!! its kinda short sorry ^^"


1137 words! <33

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