8 - Forever

187 17 42

tw: physical abuse, blood

[ Sonic Pov ] 

I watched as Shadow stepped out the door, closing it behind him. I gulped slightly as I realized it was just me and my father. I felt my stomach drop heavily as he turned towards me and stared daggers into me. 

He chuckled lowly and walked towards me agonizingly slowly. "Heh.. Sonic, Sonic, Sonic.." I looked at him fearfully as he inched closer and closer. 

In one swift movement, he grabbed my face and pulled it close to his. Now nose to nose, I could smell old cigarettes lingering in his breath.

"You may have thought that you escaped, but I will always know how to find you." He growled, holding my face tighter, making me wince. "You can't run from me forever." 

I pushed him off of me roughly and stood my ground. "You can't just walk into my house and act like you own it!" I yelled, testing my limits. "I've saved this village countless times and have learned from my experiences, so if I were you, I would watch where you step." I shouted, a growl evident in my last few words. 

My father's expression didn't change a bit, the only part of his body that moved was a slight flick of the ear. Suddenly, he raised his arm and brought it down strongly across my face, making me fall to the floor with a groan.

I put my hand to my cheek and looked upward, pain pulsing through my face. Before I could say anything, I felt another jab of pain as his foot met with my stomach roughly. Groaning in pain, I held where he had kicked me tightly.

"Still so naive..." He said menacingly, holding my face up. He picked me up by the arm roughly and stared directly into my eyes. "You're pathetic.." 

Immediately, I was thrown to the floor with a loud thump. I shakily held myself up with my hands, tears glazing over my eyes. I saw him walking towards me once again and braced my self for the impact.

Even though I was ready, it still hurt just as much. His foot collided with my nose, sending my back onto the floor. 

"Agh!" I groaned, putting my hand to my face. I looked at it and saw blood smeared on my glove. I scooted back timidly trying to get as far away from my father as possible, but before I could get too far, he grabbed my shirt collar and pulled it towards him.

"Oh no, no, no.." He said with an evil smile. "I'm not done with you.."




[ Shadow Pov ]

I flinched awake suddenly, a ding sounding from my nightstand. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and looked towards my phone, which glowed a bright white color. I picked it up and brought in front of my face.

The time read 2:34, and there were two messages below it, both from Sonic. I clicked on them and opened my messages, reading them quickly. 


come over please


I felt my stomach sink as I read the messages. I quickly typed back and sat up from my bed, shoving my phone into my pocket. 


on my way.





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