Chapter 5: You All Have Provoked Me Long Enough

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"What do you all think of your so call Xiandu now?! He not only a man whore but he also a greedy, power hunger sect leader! You think that Wen Rouhan is the worst? Jin Guangshan and his son of a whore is the worst of the worst!" 'I will get revenge for Wen Qing and her family! The first clan to feel my wrath is the Jin clan!'

Wei Wuxian bring up Jinlintai, "Jin Guangshan watch this, I will take down everyone in your clan down. I will burn down your home!" Wei Wuxian play on Chenqing, many corpse appear from beneath the ground. When they are above ground, they begin to attack everyone in the Jin clan.

"Wei Wuxian! Your crazy! Your sister and nephew is there!" Shouted Jin Guangshan.

"Hahahahah crazy? Yes, I am. And don't worry, the two of them are safe. Sect leader Jiang already took them back to Yunmeng. When your clan and your home is gone, I will torture you and this snake here by myself," Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan felt blood rushing from their face down to their feet.

"Wei Wuxian, what do you want?!" Shouted one of the sect leader. "What do I want?" Wei Wuxian went down to stand in front of the other sect leader, as he landed on the ground the resentment energy spread like water in the ocean. (I hope this make sense)

His eye is glowing red, his smile is evil, "What do I want? I want each and everyone of you to die by my hand. I want to avenge Wen Qing and her family! I want you all to feel what they feel when you burn them! When you hang them in front of NeverNight like a rag doll! That is what I want!"

They can all see how angry and in rage Wei Wuxian is, "your out of control! If you kill us all! Our children will grow up and they will come after you!"

"Your children? I don't think so. I will let them see what kind of parents, sibling and their sect leader is like back then. Bunch of greedy people, unrighteousness and they didn't even bother to save the innocent from the Jin clan. All they know is the Wen is evil like Wen Rouhan. They even kill children, old man and old women!"

They were all speechless, they don't even know what to said back to Wei Wuxian, "That's right! You all know what I said is right! You follow this good for nothing, whore sect leader to go against someone who just want to protect the innocent! I will let you all know something, in this world there is someone who is more righteous then any of you! That person is LAN WANGJI!!"

Soon they all hear screaming coming from the resentment energy that is showing them what is happening to the Jin clan. 'Children doesn't deserve to die. I won't hurt them.'

"We will kill you too before you can kill us!" When they all try to attack Wei Wuxian, the resentment energy block all of them.

"I have has enough of you all provoking me!" Soon without playing on Chenqing, the energy begin to attack all of the cultivator there.

"How about the next clan to get burn down?" Wei Wuxian summon up the next clan, "Don't you dare, Wei Wuxian!"

Wei Wuxian put on an evil smirk, "don't I dare you said? I don't give a shit about this world anymore! If Lan Wangji die, and so will you all! He is the only person who still believe in me. I won't let old man Lan Qiren get his hand on Lan Zhan. He belong to me."


"Wangji, Wangji, you need to wake up. You need to stop Wei Wuxian from killing other sect. He doing this because they have hurt you....Wei Wuxian will only listen to you. I didn't know that this impact Wei Wuxian this much."

Lan Xichen turn back to look at the show before him, "Wei Wuxian is right, if we didn't start this war against him, then you wouldn't end up like this." Lan Xichen turn back to look at his didi who is still sleeping within the bubble medicine.

"Were we all been manipulated by Jin Guangshan? Did he want was Wei Wuxian Yin Hufu? He used us to fight for him. What was it that Wei Wuxian said?"


who was the target? Whose death was that they wanted? Who plotted that? Who fell into that ambush?

End flashback

'I wish that I can get Mingjue Xiong to help me with this. But I can't leave from here, if I do, I won't be able to come back here.' "Only Wei Wuxian can get me in and out."


"I'm tire from looking at all of you. Why don't I let you all fight until death? I will come back to let you all see what is going through Jin Guangyao mind and when we do, I know who I will capture next." After saying that Wei Wuxian disappear from there.

"Wei Wuxian!"

No matter how hard they try to call out to Wei Wuxian, he won't answer them because he is gone from there.

Wei Wuxian appear in Yiling in Wen Qing and Wen Ning house. He collapsed to the ground, 'I never let out that much energy before.'

"Wei gongzi," Lan Xichen went to help Wei Wuxian up, "I know that you don't want me to help you but can you at least let me play a calm song for you? You have used too much resentment energy fighting them."

"Fine. Just let me head back to where Lan Zhan is at," even though Wei Wuxian don't want Lan Xichen to help him but right now he doesn't have much strength left. "You let everyone see what kind of person Jin Guangshan is right?" Lan Xichen asked.

Wei Wuxian didn't want to answer Lan Xichen question, "then does Wangji know?"

"If you want to know then wait until Lan Zhan wake up, if he wake up."

Once they arrive at the room where Lan Wangji is staying, Wei Wuxian went over to where Lan Wangji body is at. "Wei gongzi, I have a request?"

Wei Wuxian sit down in a lotus position, as Lan Xichen take out his Xiao. "What is it?"

"Is there a way for me to leave from here to go talk to Mingjue Xiong?"

"I will answer you once I feel better."

Lan Xichen begin to play on liebing since he want to help Wei Wuxian to get his strength back.

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