Chapter 4

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It was the start of a new tradition, Buck had wormed his way into the heart of all Diaz's and now there was no going back. Especially after he brought them and Karla together, she trusted him and after Shannon that didn't come easily for her.

He showed he cared in every way that mattered and time after time proved that all his intentions were good. Buck was a good person and he was becoming family. It wasn't long after the earthquake that he came by more often. Hanging out after shift when he didn't want to be alone, taking them to school and work the one day Eddie's truck wouldn't start. Little things here and there that only seemed to become a regular thing.

A few beers with Eddie after a shift soon turned into a movie night when Abuela had to drop the kids off early. Chris was ecstatic and Emelia wasn't far behind. Eddie blushed when the two tornadoes burst through the house at 8pm just as the football game was about to start. Neither of them truly cared for the sport but it was something to keep him here just a little longer.

"Sorry man, you don't..." Buck cut Eddie off before he could say anything else. Smiling brightly over his shoulder to take in the two kids. "Have you ever seen Pete's Dragon?"

And so started the Saturday movie nights. 4 people curled up on the couch, swallowed by an abundance of blankets and junk food.

Buck was ordering takeout half way through the movie, taking votes for either burgers or Mexican. The former won by a nasty 3-1 vote. Food came during the second movie, Buck passed the food between Eddie and Chris. Emelia sitting next to Chris, happily awaiting her cheeseburger and fries.

Chris chose Star Wars as the second movie and by the third movie Chris was passed out against Eddie's shoulder. Eddie carried him to bed when the credit started to roll. Leaving the two alone.

"I like the Ironman hoodie. Are you a marvel fan?" A spark was ignited in Emelia and she pitied him for asking such a simple question.

She nodded her head and sat up excited, turning to face him.

"Are you?" She asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow in his direction. As if they could read each other's minds they both blurted out the same thing in unison.

"Team Cap." They laughed at each other and sank back into their respective seats.

"Wanna watch Civil War next?" Even with the 11pm time staring back, Buck nodded his head.

"Let's do it." He picked up the remote and cued up the movie, she shifted closer to him on the couch. Mindlessly taking Chris' spot in the middle of the couch for Eddie to come sit beside her when he got back.

"I see she has sucked you into her marvel obsession." Eddie grabbed another set of beers from the fridge before joining them to start the next movie.

"It's a shared obsession." She crossed her arms across her chest defensively, bringing her knees up against her chest.

"Obsession is a big word." Buck teased, earning him an elbow to the stomach.

Silence overcame the room as the marvel theme played and the movie started. Emelia loved watching with Buck, he quoted every word just like her. Annoying the crap out of Eddie without a care in the world.

They got the references and the foreshadowing, gasping at the moments they've already seen a hundred times before and enjoyed it all over again. But Emelia too ended up much like Chris, her head pressed against Eddie's shoulder and her knees falling over Bucks' legs.

"That's two for two." Eddie whispered, signaling for them to go to the kitchen. Simultaneously Eddie grabbed her head and gently laid her down on a pillow while Buck grabbed her legs and swung them across the couch. Buck grabbed the blanket laying across the couch and laid it over her body.

Flicking off the lights as they left the room, Buck happily took the mug from Eddie as he put on the coffee marker.

A warm silence filled the room, washing them over with only the beeping of the coffee machine to fill that small yet comforting void.

"I thought she was your kid, Emelia?" Buck asked hesitantly, the lack of sleep fogging up his self control.

"She is." Eddie gave him a weird look that said something between 'what are you getting at' and 'obviously she's my kid.'

"Then why doesn't she call you dad or..." Buck stopped himself, realizing that this may be over-stepping. "Shoot, sorry I'm pushing."

"You are but it's fine." He smiled gently in his direction. A soft gaze cast over his expression. "Emelia is my kid, just not biologically. She's my ex's kid but I love her and that's all that matters."

Buck nodded his head slowly, a faint smile ghosting over his face.

"You raised two great kids." He nodded to the picture on the fridge, placing his cup on the counter to hold it in his hand.

It was Chris and Emelia, the pair playing in some back yard. They were wearing the biggest smiles he's ever seen and they both looked a lot younger.

"I barely did half the work." He shrugged off the compliment, turning away for a second to flick off the light.

It was true or at least he thought it was. He only met Emelia when she was three and for a lot of the time after he was away on tours. Then came along Chris and the same happened with him. Somehow he still managed to get lucky with those two kids who love him nonetheless. If he could go back and change his actions, be the father who was always there. He would in a heartbeat.

"You don't give yourself enough credit." Buck knew part of the story but he was still an amazing father and completely sucks at taking a compliment.

The night ended there, Buck had more than a few beers so after some rearranging that involved carrying Emelia back to her room and setting Buck up on the couch, everyone was settled.

Thanks to a lovely Sunday off, everyone got to sleep in all the way till 9:30 when Chris woke up and dragged everyone out of bed with him.

His energy only spiked when he saw Buck was still there in the morning. He grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen to start on breakfast. God knows none of them would eat Eddie's bacon and eggs.

"I'm guessing this wasn't what you were expecting when Eddie invited you over last night." Emelia said, guiding Buck around the kitchen. Helping get all the supplies he needed.

"Nah," he shook his head and smiled. "This was better."

Emelia matched his expression, Eddie watching intently from the other side of the room. She looked genuinely happy, the smile she wore was real. A thing he had worked so hard to get back.

"Maybe you could come around after your next shift." Buck froze at her comment and she panicked. Scared she overstepped. "I mean, only if..."

"Hell yeah," he cut her off.

"Marvel movie marathon?" He raised an eyebrow and Eddie couldn't help but grin himself. He knew how happy that would make her.

"Can I come too?" Chris piped up from the kitchen table, wanting nothing more than to be included.

"Of course buddy."

Chris giggled in response, waving his hand happily. Eddie took a seat next to him, finally relaxing into the moment and continued to watch as Buck and Emelia worked easily to finish breakfast.

"Am I allowed in or is this some exclusive event?" Eddie crossed his arms over his chest with a grin.

"I don't know, what do you think guys?" Buck looked between Chris and Emelia. "Does he make the list?"

They shrugged their shoulders teasingly, leaving Eddie to gawk at them all. Feigning offense. 

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