Chapter 35

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May was bored out of her mind, her mother had insisted on bed rest the moment she got out of the hospital, despite her head being fully healed and the smoke inhalation cleared. Not that she could really blame her mom. She did almost die. She just wished recovery wasn't so boring. 

At least she had Emelia here with her, not that she was much help considering her nose was still tucked into her book. Athena and Eddie figured them being together would keep them rested. At least they hoped.

Originally when she picked her up from school to bring her over to her dads, she expected to be done with homework after merely half an hour. But here she was an hour later with her head on Emelia's stomach while she works on her english. 

This wasn't how she wanted to be spending her Friday night, she thought it would have entailed a lot less homework and a little more cuddling and movies. Maybe even a bit of making out when the movies bored her. Definitely not english homework.

Instagram was no better and she wanted nothing more than to have her girlfriend full attention. 

"Wanna take a break?" She dropped her phone and looked up at Emelia.

"I'm almost done." she lied, there was still a pile of questions waiting in her backpack. May knew as much and was having absolutely none of it.

"Please." May sang, turning onto her stomach. Still stuck between Emelia's legs. Her chin resting on her belly button. 

"5 more minutes." She mumbled, turning the page.

"How about no more minutes?" she punctuated her sentence with a poke to her stomach earning her a small squeak. It was by far the cutest thing Emelia has even done.

"What was that?" May caught onto her blush and the way she moved her hands down her body so they protected her sides and most of her stomach.

"Nothing." She tried to brush it off but May had her heart set. With another deliberate poke to her ribs, Emelia jerked to the side.

"Don't," Emelia warned, butterflies swarming around in her stomach as she did her best to muster up a glare. She had always been too ticklish for her own good. Eddie had made sure to remind her all the time. 

"I'm not doing anything." May grinned, sitting up to straddle her legs where Emelia was pressed up against some pillows. Her nose was still tucked into her book, making her miss May's playful grin and her hands inching closer to her sides. 

"You're supposed to be resting." Emelia tried to brush her off, but it was the last she said before May sent her into a bout of high pitched giggles. 

"That's what I'm doing." May said as she dug her fingers into Emelia's sides. Finding the spot just above her hips and latching on, squeezing the sensitive skin like her life depended on it. 

Emelia carefully jerked around under her and May knew she would be gentle because of the fire and took every advantage of that. She pulled her lips into a thin line to avoid laughing but then she moved her hands to her ribs and she was lost to the world. 

Her book was discarded and her sole focus was to get away from the tickles that seem to follow her every which way. 

Not all too happy with her reaction, she really wanted to get her laughing, May kicked it up a notch. Clawing at her stomach and pinching her sides. Eliciting that laugh May loves so much. 

"Get your hands out of there." She screamed, although she wasn't as strong as Eddie or Buck, May still had some kick to her and easily fought off her flailing limbs. 

"I really don't want to." May teased, having way too much fun turning her girlfriend into a blushing giggly mess. 

May squeezed at her hips once again, her thumbing rubbing circles around the bone. Her bubbly laughter filled the room and May couldn't help but giggle alongside her at her reactions. She was too cute.

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