Chapter 39

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. My life is kind of in shambles so expect slower updates for the next little while :(


Emelia shot up in a cold sweat, her blanket wrapped to tightly around her chest. Her cries carry though the house, filling up all the empty space and waking her dad up in the other room.

She works to kick the covers off her, tears falling down her cheeks. Her heart was still pounding faster than she could catch up to.

"Hey, hey." she hears her dad before she looks up to meet his worried face. Not noticing the door open and close. He rushes to her side and helps take the covers off the rest of the way. Freeing her from her anxiety. 

He doesn't ask her what is wrong or what he can do. He simply lets his daughter fall into his chest. His arms instantly wrap around her, creating a safety net for her to fall into. 

"I got you," he whispers, kissing the top of her head before she can bury it deeper into his chest. Letting her tears soak through his shirt. Eddie couldn't have cared any less, all he wanted was to take every last drop of pain from her. While he may not be able to do that, he is more than able to hold her close for as long as she needs. 

This is how she spent most of her nights this week. Torn between waking from a nightmare or slipping deeper into her own fear. 

Emelia is stuck waking up in a panic, sweat dripping down her forehead and making her hair stick to her neck.

There was no end to what her mind would put her through.

From losing May in the fire to never making it out of that dispatch center. Even the nights where her mom would come to her, reminding her just of what she had lost. 

Tonight it was the dispatch center. There was a gun to her head and the last thing she can remember is the man pulling the trigger. 

"I'm so tired." She mumbles, the tears drying on her cheek. She peaks her head up just enough to see his comforting eyes. All her weight being carried by Eddie.

"I know Mija." Its been a week of sleepless nights for the both of them. Buck had pointed the bags under his eyes on day 3. 

It didn't take a genius to know why. 

Before he wipes the hair from her face, he kisses the top of her head once more. 

"Let's try to get you back to bed." He says as he guides her by her shoulders to his room. He knows she isn't ready to close her eyes just yet, so he lets her settle in his bed while he runs back to her room to get her own pillows. One wrapped in a pillow case her mom got her.

Eddie flicks on the light next to his dresser. The small lamp lights up the room like a faint sunset. He tucks her in just right before taking the spot next to her. His back resting against his headboard.

Emelia curls into his side. Picking up the book on his nightstand, Eddie picks up right where they left off the night before. 


Emelie wakes up with a searing headache, the pounding in her head gets stuck in her ears. She brings the blankets up over her eyes. Hiding from the sunlight peaking in through the curtains. 

It takes a moment to realize Eddie had already gotten up. Mostly likely due to her brother needing breakfast at 8am every morning like a total weirdo. Unlike herself who would take sleeping in over fresh bacon any day of the week.

This morning however, she decides to follow in her brothers footsteps. When the brightness of the sun doesn't make her feel like someone is jamming their fingers into her brain, she crawls out of bed and follows the smell of toast and burnt bacon to the kitchen. 

Eddie offers half a smile when he sees her messy bun pop into the kitchen. Chris sits at the counter with a pile of bacon sitting in front of him. 

"Morning sleepyhead." Chris comments, sneakily hiding his breakfast from his older sister. 

"Morning to you to." she pinches his side to get him to flinch and steals a piece of his bacon. Eddie can't help but let relief wash over him for a second. 

"You still up for hanging out at Buck's today?" He asks, earning an excited nod from Chris. 

Not daring to nod her head in fear of her brain screaming at her, Emelia nods.

"It's my turn to pick the movie."

"Alright, you mister need to get ready." Chris, full of excitement abandons the bacon and rushes to his room to get ready. 

Eddie waits for his quick exit to come to sit with Emelia.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, leaving it open for anything she wants to say.

"I'm scared." she admits. Fidgeting with the bracelets on her wrist.

"Of what?"


Eddie feels his stomach drop and suddenly the smell of bacon makes him want to puke.

"I just don't feel safe anymore. It's like every morning I wake up and except something terrible to happen and I have no idea how to make it stop."

"You can start by leaning on me. There is nothing in this world that you can't tell me." Eddie says, pulling her in for a hug. He holds the back of her neck, squeezing ever so gently to release the tension building up. "And I promise, I will do everything in my power to protect you. Always."


Emelia last all of two hours at Bucks before she is nodding off to sleep. Eddie watches her closely. Himself and Buck have her sandwiched in on the couch while Chris sits in front of them. Both are completely focused on the video game they are playing.

She is doing her best to pay attention, wanting to be included on the trash talk happening between the two with the controllers. But it's not long before Buck is catching her head with his shoulder so her neck can finally relax and sleep finally takes her.

Eddie almost swoons.

Buck easily splits his attention between his two children. Effortlessly keeping Chris entertained while Emelia sleeps soundly against his shoulder. 

There are words sitting on the tip of his tongue but every time he makes a move to speak, Buck looks at him with those damned big eyes and he just sits there. Like a total idiot.

By the next round, Eddie now has the controller and Buck works to get a blanket over Emelia. 

Total. Idiot. 

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