Chapter 44

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It had taken almost 6 months but as soon as Emelia was able to get back on that dance floor, there was nothing stopping her from taking back everything she lost after the tsunami. Sure she still worked around the studio, she helped teach the little ones and did random tasks for the director and like any dedicated dancer she went to every practice she could. Sitting on the sidelines but still learning the choreo. None of that compared to being able to get thrown back into the lines and finally be able to work on her solo.

She worked her ass off and no one was able to take that away from her.

And she couldn't have done it without Eddie. Carla and Buck helped too, way more than she could ever thank them for but it was Eddie who seemed to drop everything to get her to practice. Watching from the lounge area as she worked harder than he's ever seen before. Rushing her to the clinic anytime she was in more pain than she could handle. She hadn't injured herself but pushed more than her body could handle.

Nonetheless he was there to help put those pieces back together. Keeping the ice pressed to her ankle, elevated on the couch cushions.

He was there for her and that's all she ever wanted.

Now with the show 2 weeks away and the studio busier than ever it was almost like she was living there. Any spare time she had was spent helping her director with the show and Eddie couldn't be more proud.

She had just returned from practice, later than normal as Maria needed help organizing the rest of the costume for the show. She was already exhausted and worn out but Emelia couldn't help but notice the frown in Eddie's face.

It was a little too prominent for her liking and she knew the second she sat down, bad news would follow. She heads to the kitchen after a short greeting to raid the fridge for leftovers.

Eddie was waiting at the table when she returned.

"Sorry I was so late, Maria needed help with the costumes after class." She says and he half smiles at her when she takes a seat next to him. "She asked if I could come tomorrow after school and help with tickets?"

Eddie nods his head, "I'll let Carla know."

"I'll bring mine home so you can bring it with you to the station." Emelia says, watching as Eddie's face falls back into a frown. She tilts her head in confusion until the pieces slowly fall into place.

"You have to work?" she says, hoping that the sadness raging through her chest stayed put. There was no need to make him feel guilty over something he had no control over.

"Mija, I am so sorry."

"It's okay dad, it's just one show." She forces out her best smile, not thinking about the way it hurt not to have 2 of her biggest supporters there. Not to have her dad there for her, cheering over the rest of the crowd just so everyone knew that was his daughter on stage.

He wanted to be there and that was going to have to be enough for her.


It was weird getting ready for a performance all by herself. Her many costumes lay on her bed as she finished tying her curled hair into a high tight ponytail. It was usually her mom that covered her eyes with a towel for spraying an entire bottle of hairspray on her hair. But here she was, applying her eyeshadow and lipstick on her own.

She tries not to think of any of that as she puts on her first costume, her solo bodysuit that held more sparkles than she had seen in her entire life. Her jewel filled headpiece sticking to her pulled back hair. She carefully puts on one of Buck's sweaters to help cover her costume.

Packing her shoes into a bag, Emelia smiles softly as she tucks the pair Buck got for her solo on top.

May rings her doorbell just on time to bring her to the theater.

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