Chapter 15

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The days after her mother died seemed to all mesh together. She remembers the sun rising and then setting. She remebers when she closes her eyes all she can see her mother again, dying on the cold concrete. She sees Buck sitting next to her in the truck, May coming to see her in the hospital and Eddie when he leaves the hospital. Even with her eyes closed she can see Chris' face when Eddie breaks the news.

She doesn't know what's harder, watching her mother die, seeing Eddie break before her eyes in Bobby's arms, or looking from the car window as Chris' whole world is ripped away from him.

Either way she still wakes up every morning, not sure what day it is as people flood through her home. Friends and family came by to drop off random food. Carla made sure to come by every afternoon to make sure that Chris was taken care of.

Buck came a couple of days, claiming he had nothing better to do. He would never stay for long, just enough to hug Emelia and let her cry into his shoulder.

"You're being really strong." he says one day, she doesn't remember when but she does remember how he squeezed her extra tight.

"How come it doesn't feel like it?" she pulls away, using her sleeve to wipe away the remaining tears.

"Because you're going through the hard part. Everything is saying you should give up but every morning you still get out of bed. You're strong and brave and you are going to get through this." he states all in one breath.

"Thanks Buck." She falls back into his chest for another second. A single second where she believed that she would be okay. His hand ran up and down her back one more time before Eddie finally made it out of his room. Emelia took the two bags Buck had brought them (their first real groceries all week) and left them to it.

Eddie collapsed into his arms much like he had when Bobby came to the hospital. This time he clung a little harder and used the scent of Buck cologne to relieve the pain in his chest.

"How are you doing man?" Buck asked, guiding him to the couch once Eddie was ready to let go. "Are you good for dinner? I can take the kids for a bit if you need to be alone."

"Thanks but I'm okay Buck."

Buck doesn't look like he believed him but he still nods.

"Okay. If you need anything. Anything at all, I'm there."

With one final hug good-bye to Christopher he was out the door and was replaced 20 minutes later by Carla.

The process was repeated.

Hen came by later, dropping off some dinner. Chicken maybe, she had chicken a lot.

Chim and Maddie came too, a meat platter for lunch. She really liked the cheese from that one. It lasted them a couple days she thinks, or maybe a couple meals in one day.

Bobby came along with Athena and the kids. She doesn't know what they brought, a casserole maybe. All she could focus on was May.

Upon seeing her, she couldn't even manage to smile at the girl who did nothing but bring her joy. It was the first time seeing her in person in months besides the hospital but all she could do was shrug her shoulders.

"Hey." May said as Carla let the other adults in. Eddie walked over to them and hugged them both, thanking them for being here.

"Hey." The single word broke her and now she was seconds away from crying all over again. May stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the other girl. Pulling her as tight as she could against her chest. Emelia's head resting on her shoulder as she did her best to keep her tears at bay.

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