Chapter 52

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"Hey, are you okay?" Emelia asked as May opened the door, she immediately let the girl in and they walked to her room. The house was empty but there was a certain feeling of safety they both craved from being alone in her room.

"No." May sighs. Emelia had gathered as much from the text she got once she got home from the studio. "Do you remember Laila? That girl I knew before I met you."

"Yeah. She isn't bothering you again is she." Emelia asked behind May's closed door, she sat on the bed as anxiety spiked in her chest. She can still remember the way her heart sank when May first told her what had happened. To think that terrible person would dare try and enter her life once again made her blood boil.

"No, yes, well not really." May fumbled over her words which were very unlike her.

"Okay..." Emelia tilted her head in confusion, the way that always made May smile.

"She friended me on facebook and..." May begins but Emelia doesn't seem to want to hear the end of it.

"You immediately blocked her right?" Emelia said. The last thing she wanted was for May to put herself in a position where this girl could target her again.

"No, I didn't." May was the one to be confused now, she took a few steps to stand in between Emelia's legs.

"Well you should, she's not worth it." Emelia went to grab her hands but May chose to cross them over her chest instead.

"You sound just like my mom. I thought maybe she deserved a second chance and I was hoping you would agree but you're acting just like my mother." May accused. Emelia stood, creating some distance in between them.

"Maybe because she has a point." Emelia tried to understand that all May wanted from her right now was for her to be on her side but she just couldn't stand the thought of losing her to this person who caused her so much pain. She never wanted May to feel that way again and even if she did change, there would always be that history haunting them in the corner. "Do you really think letting someone who caused you all that pain back into your life is a good idea?"

"People can change." May repeated.

"Do you really think she deserves a second chance after what she put you through? What she put your family through?" Emelia reminded her, May told her how scared her parents were. How terrified Harry was when she got home from the hospital, he was clingy for at least a month afterwards. Why she would want to put her family through that all over again was unbeknownst to her.

But she saw something change in May's eyes. It was no longer confusion or frustration, she seemed angry.

"What about Buck huh? I remember how you were during the lawsuit or Eddie? How many times have you forgiven him? How many second chances have they gotten?" May shot back with as much venom she could muster up, Emelia nearly flinched at her words.

"May..." she asked, her voice betraying her with hurt. But the betrayal coming from her girlfriend, the person she loved most, hurt even more.

"No, really Emelia. How is Laila any different?" she asked, throwing her arms into the air.

"It is different and you know it. What they did hurt but they never drove me to kill myself." she shoots back, not realizing the mistake in her words. The door it opened for May to attack. But then again she never thought in a million years May would use her darkest moments against her.

"And your mom?" she says, testing the waters. Emelia could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

"Don't." she warned but May didn't listen.

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