Chapter 46

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"Are you 100% sure you're ready to go back to work?" Emelia asked for the 4th time that day. It had only been 4 weeks since May got home from the hospital and even if she was just sitting on a desk all day she was a little nervous.

"Yes, I'm sure. I can even make it all the way up the stairs without losing my breath." She bragged. May herself had spent the last 10 minutes hyping herself in her car before heading into her shift. She was the only one in her class who had to take time off for covid.

"Now stop worrying about me. I will be fine sitting at a desk all day." May assured her. Pressing the button to her floor on the elevator. "And if anything does happen I won't even have to call 9-1-1."

"Not funny," Emelia frowned and May laughed at the girl. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Emelia did her best not to worry about May, she really did. May was a grown woman who knew her limits and who also knew how to take care of herself. At the same time, she almost lost her and she just wasn't over that yet.

It did help that her first day back consisted of the dam breaking and an emergency happened every 3 seconds. From someone worrying about their power to people going missing or getting stuck in mud.

But she does her best not to worry, limiting herself to one single text over lunch.

How is it going? Has the world collapsed yet?

She tries to be funny, even sparing a small smile before she hits send. It takes a few seconds for the three dots to appear at the bottom of her screen.

Nope, just the damn.

I'm okay too

You can stop worrying.

Not going to happen.


Text me when you're off.

Not wanting to get her in trouble for being on her phone she types a quick I love you to May before turning her phone off.

It wasn't until later that evening, when Eddie texted to say he was alright that Maddie texted. It was completely out of the ordinary but not something that happened often.

May had a rough day, it's her mom. Might want to check in.

She waits for Eddie to come home before heading over to Athena's. They've been trying to stay safe, keeping dates to a minimum and using facetime most of the time but one night wouldn't kill them.

She hoped.

May answers the door when she arrives and a giant smile spreads across her face.

"Hey," she says softly, not waiting before pulling her into the house. She wraps her arms around her, pulling her in for a hug that she clearly needed. Emelia copied her actions, wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"Rough day?" she asks into her hair, not wanting to pull away too soon..

"Do you have some time?"

She nods and lets May guide her through her house. Neither Bobby or Athena were home and with Harry living with Michael, they were completely alone for the night. They end up outside, laying on a blanket in the grass watching up at the stars. It was nowhere near as beautiful as their spot outside of the city but it was the best thing that they've seen in months.

"Maddie messaged me, said you had a rough day?" she asks, wrapping their hands around one anothers.

"It was my mom. She got caught in the mudslide, the house she was in was slipping down the mountain." Emelia waits patiently for her to finish, running her thumb in circles over her knuckles. "I wanted to help her but there was nothing I could do."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Stay for a bit? I don't want to be alone." She cuddles closer to Emelia's side, eyes still training on the sky above. It was awfully peaceful despite all the pollution. The small bright lights clustered together. The sky is clear of any clouds.

"Of course." She waits a bit, giving her time to take a deep breath. "How is your mom?"

"Bobby's with her getting checked at the hospital. Says she's going to be alright." May says, with more confidence than she would have thought given what had happened.

"Good, I'm glad she's okay."

"Me too."

"You did really well today." Emelia turned on her side, leaning up on her elbow as she used her other hand to play with May's hair.

"Doesn't feel like it."

"May, your mother was fighting for her life on the side of the landslide and you still saved lives. You did amazing." May leans into her touch, liking the warmth of her hand near her face. Enjoying the comfort she had missed for so long. "And I'm sorry if I wasn't supportive today, I am just still so worried I'm going to lose you that I forgot to say good luck."

"I know and I forgive you. But you know how you can make it up to me?" A smile spreads across May's lips and she sits up to capture Emelia's lips with her own. She pulls her down on top of her, embracing her with a kiss. Emelia was happy to make it up to her.

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