Chapter 20

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The Grant-Nash household was currently a space of pure chaos. Despite having started to get this place ready in the early afternoon, somehow people were still scrambling to tie up loose ends.

May and Emelia were currently on the hunt for the missing platters when the doorbell rings, signalling that the Buckley siblings had finally arrived.

Everyone huddled in the living space as they heard Athena greet the final guests.

"I'm glad you guys were able to come." Athena says.

"Thank you for having us over." he replies and he seems genuine.

"I know it's short notice."

"Surprise!" Everyone screams, causing the grown man to jump with an excited yet scared expression. How he hadn't seen the group of people standing in Athena's living room is unbeknownst to them.

"Did you do this?" Buck asks Maddie who only manages to nod with a fond smile.

After thanking Athena, he crosses the rest of the room to reach everyone. Bobby pushes Eddie forward to share a hug before the blonde gets passed around the room in a plethora of hugs and kisses to his cheek.

Once everyone finally mellows out and those damned platters are found, people disperse into smaller groups.

Emelia leaves May's side at the food table to stand with the other Diaz's. Chris has his card in hand and Buck is leaning down to take a look when she finally reaches Christopher's side.

"Wow, thanks Buddy. Oh wow. This is great." he gushes over the card.

"It's you and me."

"Oh and what's that?" he points to the very colourful surfboard standing next to the pair in his masterpiece.

"It's a surfboard, right?" Eddie clarifies.

"He's obsessed." Emelia adds.

'Dear Buck,

You are an awesome firefighter!!!!

Love Christopher'

Buck smiles only brighten more as he reads the card out loud.

"That's very sweet Christopher, thank you." Those final words take him by surprise and he pulls Chris into a small hug.

"I picked out the colours." Emelia mumbled, Eddie pinched her arm and rolled his eyes.

"They are very nice colours." he compliments before pulling her into another hug as well. "Thank you guys. For being there these past few months."

"Anytime Buck." Eddie slaps his shoulder and smiles. One that is full of love and admiration and Buck returns it. His eyes expressed the same feelings.

The nights continue on like any other 118 get together.

May helps Emelia get cake for her brother. An outside piece that has enough icing to keep him up all night. The two teens each get an inside piece for themselves.

Athena and Bobby ask her how's school going before the three young boys require their attention doing something very dangerous on the other side of the lawn.

Chim and Maddie are acting like such a couple that Emelia has to do a double take.

May slips her hand into Emelia's half way through the night, Emelia plays with the scrunchy on her wrist while they listen to one of Chims many many stories.

They meet Hen and Karen's baby daddy, who they aren't supposed to call baby daddy according to Buck . In which, Karen cries once they offer a single compliment and Hen can't stop smiling. Wrapping Eddie and Emelia up in yet another hug.

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