The Celebration

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My mouth drops open as we approach the city. Although it's now dark, several tall spotlights have been set up to light a large area. As we step into the light, I see there are tons of people walking about, tables loaded down with a variety of foods, and fountains of different drinks. I walk up to the nearest fountain, it's absolutely extravagant. The top of the fountain towers over my head, spraying out some sort of light-pink-tinted bubbly liquid. It's hard to be sure from this close, but it looks as if it's a tall man pouring liquid out onto the much smaller alien races below. The bottom of the fountain is large enough that I could bath in it if I so chose.

"Do you like it?" Altair's voice whispers into my ear.

I jump, startled. "What is it. I mean, I know it's a fountain, but what exactly is the image? What does it mean? What does it stand for?"

"It's the Dini pouring out their love and kindness onto all the people in the galaxy."

"Oh, wow, that's amazing." I say. "But what is the liquid?"

"Sparkling Semant. It's an amazing fruity drink, but I suggest you don't have more than one glass."

"Why is that?"

"Just go, mingle with the people. Have a great time. I'll escort you back to your place, later." Altair says, before turning and walking away.

That was weird but whatever. I walk past table after table, many wonderful smells filling my nose until I come to a table filled with a variety of desserts. A mixture of sweet and fruity scents waft up from cakes, cookies, pies, and more. I know I just ate, but the smells are so tantalizing and mouth-watering that I have to try at least one. Looking around I can see others with plates, so it must be okay. I help myself to some dark-colored cake with what looks like red fruit dotting the top and inside. On the end of the table, are cups full of eating utensils. Grabbing a fork, I walk away and take a bite, liquid chocolate oozes out into my mouth. This is the best thing I've ever eaten.

"There you are, Rayanna," Carina says, making her way through the crowd. "I've been looking for you, everywhere since that class ended. Where have you been?"

"I've been..." I swallow my cake and try again. "I've been with Altair." A piece of cake gets hung in my throat and I start coughing. I manage to get it up and sputter, "I need a drink."

"Here, have mine. I haven't drunk out of it, yet." Carina says handing me a cup full of orange bubbling liquid.

I take the cup and look at its contents. "What is it?"

"I don't know, but it looks good."

"I guess it doesn't matter." I take a small sip. It tastes like fizzy oranges, and I quickly suck the rest down. "Thanks for that."

"So where did you go after you left that class thing, they made us do?"

"Altair took me out to this lake, and we had a picnic while watching the sunset. What was the class thing?"

"Just telling us a bunch of rules. Nothing exciting." Carina says.

Someone runs into me, sending me flying face-first, into a nearby water fountain. I end up with a mouthful of liquid and realize that it's not water.

"Oops sorry." Says a female voice. She lets out a light laugh, so I'm not sure she means it.

Chocking and sputtering, I turn around and climb out of the fountain to see a girl with dark hair, standing there with another girl.

"What is your problem?" Carina asks.

"I don't have one. It was an accident. It's so crowded in here that I tripped." The girl says. She grins at me, gives a small wave, and turns, disappearing into the crowd.

"That was no accident. I felt hands pushing me, hard." I complain to Carina.

"I don't think she likes you," Carina says.

"Yeah, but the question is why?"

"There's no telling. Maybe she thinks you are better looking?"

"Carina, no way, that's just ridiculous."

"Guess party time is over," Altair says, appearing out of nowhere. "Come on, I'll help you to your room. And don't worry, I'll be having a talk with that girl, later."

The Twenty Five Percent RayannaWhere stories live. Discover now