Indecision is a decision

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             Altair walks to me and holds out his hand. "May I ask your name?"

                   "Rayanna," I say holding out my own hand.

               "Such a beautiful name," he says taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. He kisses it and locks eyes with me. I hold his gaze for a while before dropping it and looking down at the clear floor. His gaze is so intense like he can see right through me. Like he can see my every thought and feeling. I can feel his eyes continue to stare for a while before he moves on to Carina. "And how about your name?" he asks.

              "Carina," she says.

             I chance a quick look in his direction. He lifts her hand to his lips like he did mine, and I watch as he gazes intently at her in the same way. I let my eyes wander across his body, he is handsome. When he reaches out to take Carina's hand, his shirt sleeve rolls up and I can see how muscular his arm is. I wonder what he does to be that fit? My eyes go back to his face, noticing the well-defined chin. Then I notice his eyes shift, and I realize he is staring at me. Mortified that I was caught staring, I drop my gaze, again.

               "Come along, ladies, there is much to do. As soon as we get on board our ship, Kyra will help you to get ready for Rojus and the celebration." Altair says turning and walking away.

               The others follow behind except for one older woman. Her hair is grey in color and her eyes, a piercing blue. I look back at the Ghemin, the ones who pulled me from my life, from everything I knew and understood, and then at Altair and his group, my apparent future. I stand there not quite knowing what to do. Do I get a choice in any of this? Don't I get to decide where to go and what to do?

             "Do I get a choice in where I go?" Carina asks, voicing the opinions I kept to myself.

               Altair stops and turns around. He stares at me and then at Carina, noticing that neither of us has moved. "Of course, you do. You can either go back to the Ghemin and subject yourself to a life of medical experiments. Or, you can go with us and have the freedom to roam the beautiful city of Paridon. Maybe even have the chance at marriage and children. The future with us is open and bright. But no one will force you, either way."

            I look at Carina, then back to the Ghemin, and then to Altair. For me the choice is simple. No way am I going to allow myself to be any more of a medical experiment than I already have been. "I choose you," I say, walking towards Altair.

             "Good choice." He says beckoning me to his side. He smiles at me, and I see a mouthful of perfect shiny teeth. "And what of you?" he asks, facing Carina.

             "I don't know," she says. "Can't I just go back home? I already have a husband, children, and a life of my own. Why can't I continue that? I was really happy."

             "Because that is not a choice. The planet is dying and the Ghemin are kind enough to offer you a way out. I need you to make a decision, quickly. I have things to attend to back home. If you take any longer, I will make the decision for you. I'm sorry but that's just the way that it is." Altair says.

                I turn towards Carina and plead with her. "Come on Carina. Let's go. You don't want to go back to the Ghemin, do you? There's nothing you can do about your husband or children. Come with me, please? It might be fun."

                  "It might be fun? What about your brother?" she asks. "Don't you want to go back and save him? Didn't you say he is the only family you have left? The only one who cares about you? The only one who looks after you?"

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