139 Waking Up

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The helicopter landed at Kokang Old Street.

Kokang, also known as the first special zone of Shan State in Myanmar, the capital of Laokai City, is located on the Shan State plateau between Myanmar and China, and is adjacent to Yunnan Province of China to the north and east.

Sixteen years ago, the Kokang Allied Forces announced their separation from the Burmese Communist Party and implemented a high degree of autonomy. They have an independent government, army, taxation and legal system, and do not assume any obligations to the Burmese military government. On the surface it is the first special zone, but in essence it has become a country within a state of Myanmar.

"Brother Kun, Kunshan has been escorted here." After reading the newly received message, A Yao started the car.

From Thailand to Kokang, it takes less than two hours to fly, but the senses are from a bustling city to a down-and-out town. The road is neither spacious nor clean, and there are mostly iron sheds on both sides, some of which were obviously destroyed in armed conflicts. Adults are picking usable things from the broken ruins, and children are barefoot in black and ash. Chasing and playing in the mud.

Compared with the residences, the surrounding "buildings" are all casinos. In Kokang, gambling is not only legal but also a major source of income.

The car drove past the Shuangfeng Pagoda, passed through the bustling crowd, and entered the old street Dongcheng. This can be regarded as the area with the best scenery in Kokang. The more you drive towards the lake, the quieter it becomes. From a distance, you can see two military off-road vehicles and several men in camouflage uniforms holding guns.

As soon as Zhou Yinkun got out of the car, those people immediately looked over.

"Brother Kun!"

The man kneeling on the ground with his hands tied behind his back yelled a few times when he saw him. The voice was full of fear, obviously knowing that Sai Peng and Zhou Yaohui were dead, and no one could control him anymore.

The man walked to the fishing chair by the lake, sat down, and lit a cigarette.

He didn't speak, but made Kunshan who was kneeling on the ground even more nervous. He crawled to Zhou Yinkun's side on his knees, whimpering, as if he had something to say.

Only then did Zhou Yinkun turn his head to glance at him, "Tsk, who tied Uncle Bergamot like this, untie it."

A Yao stepped forward to untie the rope in Kunshan, he immediately took off the towel stuffed in his mouth, "Akun, I will tell you what you want to know, don't touch my wife and children! Just follow Sai Peng For the sake of my brother's loyalty, please don't kill me!"

Zhou Yinkun stared at him for two seconds, then suddenly smiled, "Uncle, I haven't seen you for so many years, your temper has changed a lot." "

Ah? Yes, yes... "Kunshan was sweating profusely, his eyes were dodgy, "This man is afraid of death when he is old." "

Oh, that's right." Zhou Yinkun dusted off the cigarette ash, "Since you know what I want to ask, then tell me."

"Okay, okay." Kunshan wiped the sweat from his brow, "Do you want to know what your father and your elder brother talked about when Kunsha fell and surrendered - and Ah Hui went to Yangon to negotiate, right? "

At that time, it wasn't just them. Those who could be named in Myanmar all went. After all, what Kunsha left behind was a big piece of fat. Whether it was the armed forces or drugs, there must be a place to go. The military government of Myanmar In order to prevent a large-scale war in Myanmar, the secret negotiation was held. It was agreed to carve up everything left by Kunsha on the condition that no armed struggle will be carried out." "This is actually a good

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