Chapter 7: The White Wizard.

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Back in Fangorn Forest. Jon, Sansa, The Hound, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli continued their pursuit of their friends who fled into Fangorn. 

"Arya!" Jon shouted. "Arya!" 

"Arya!" Sansa shouted. "I've done something embarrassing that you would find incredibly funny! Oh, what am I thinking? She'd never come running for that." 

"Arya!" Jon continued to shout. "Arya!

"Arya?! Merry?! Pippin?!" Sansa also shouted.

"For Gods sake will you shut your hole?" The Hound asked. "We're not finding your sister anytime soon." 

"Arya, Merry, and Pippin just had to pick this Dark Forest to run into." Sansa said as she looked around.

"They were desperate." Jon told her. "Anything sounds better than having to hang with those Orcs.

Gimli then put a finger on a blood stained leaf and tasted it. Then he spat it out. "Orc Blood." He told the others. 

"Is there any blood from our friends?" Jon asked. 

"No. "I'd have noticed." Gimli answered.

"I thought it was Aragorn that was the tracker." Sansa pointed out.

Speaking of Aragorn, he had paused to examine the ground. "These are strange tracks." He said.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked.

"Not Men tracks, or Orcs, or even Hobbits." Aragorn clarified.

"So what could've done it?" Jon asked.

"It's not anymore Fire Demons, is it?" The Hound asked. 

"No. The Whole place would be burning." Aragorn answered. 

"The air is so close in here." Gimli commented.

Sansa also took notice of it. She realized that she couldn't feel wind, and could barely see sunlight. "It's like being locked in a dungeon." 

"This Forest is old." Legolas said.

"How old is it?" The Hound sarcastically commented.

"Very old." Legolas answered not comprehending the Hound's sarcasm. "Full of memory... and anger." 

"Um..." Jon started to say. Until they all heard a deep groaning. Gimli raised his axe.

"What was that?" Sansa asked starting to reach for her sword. Jon already had Longclaw out. 

"The Trees are speaking to each other." Legolas answered. 

"Gimli! Jon! Lower your weapons." Aragorn ordered.

Jon sheathed his sword. Sansa took her hands off her sword. 

And Gimli lowered his axe. "Oh!' 

"They have feelings, my friend." Legolas informed. "The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak." 

"I don't think the Godswood do that back home." Sansa nervously commented.

"Talking trees." Gimli grunted. "What do trees have to talk about? Hm? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings." 

"My thoughts exactly." The Hound said. 

"Aragorn." Legolas said. "Nad no ennas." (Something's out there.)

"What?" Jon asked. "What did they just say?" 

Aragorn followed Legolas. "Man cenich?" (What do you see?)

Legolas looked deeper into the Forest. 

"Is it them?" Jon whispered.

"The White Wizard approaches." Legolas whispered. 

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