Chapter 12: Warg Attack.

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And so, the people of Rohan continued on their treacherous march to Helm's Deep. And continuing around lakes. Jon, the Hound, and Sansa walking as Gimli rode on Horseback as it was lead by Eowyn.

"It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they're often mistaken for Dwarf Men." Gimli was saying. 

Eowyn smiled and looked back at Aragorn, riding his horse.

"It's the beards." Aragorn whispered, as he gestured to an imaginary beard on his chin. Eowyn grinned and looked back to Gimli.

Sansa stroked her own chin. She was glad that she didn't have a beard. 

"Sansa. You don't have a beard." Jon reminded. "Though... Arya tried to grow a beard once. It was made out of the ashes from the fireplace. She tried to convince Father that she could be a knight if she could grow a beard." 

Eowyn laughed. 

"Mother did not find it funny." Sansa pointed out. "I wonder what Tyrion would've looked like with a beard." She then looked at Eowyn. "Political Marriage. Ex Husband. Long Story." 

"This in turn, has given rise to the belief, that there are no Dwarf women." Gimli went on. "And that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground." 

Eowyn laughed again as Gimli laughed too. As did Jon. 

"Which is of course, ridiculous." Gimli said. And then he threw his hands up and the horse suddenly galloped off, throwing Gimli to the ground and to a group of people. 

"Gimli? You okay?" Sansa asked smiling and she and Eowyn quickly ran to help him. 

"It's alright. Nobody panic." Gimli assured as he got up. "That was deliberate. It was deliberate." 

Aragorn, Théoden, and Jon rode side by side with grins wieldy. 

"I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her Father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief." Théoden explained. "Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a Father." 

"It's a story the Little Bird knows all too well." The Hound replied. "She watched her Father's head fall by those trying to initiate a coup." 

"She was alone for a long time." Jon said while he looked to Sansa who was smiling for the first time in a long time. He then looked at the Hound. "Thanks for keeping her safe at the very least." 

"I didn't do anything but just watch." The Hound replied with a low opinion of himself. 

"He doesn't smile much, does he?" Théoden asked. 

"Nope." Jon answered. 

By Midday, the people of Rohan rested. Eowyn walked up to Gimli and Aragorn with a Cooking Pot and a bowl. 

"Gimli?" Eowyn offered. 

But Gimli just looked at the Pot and realized that it must've tasted horrible so he didn't take it. "No, I couldn't. I really couldn't." He dismissed. 

Eowyn walked past him to Aragorn who was cleaning his sword. "I made some stew. It isn't much, but it's hot." She filled up a bowl and passed it to Aragorn. 

"Thank you." Aragorn thanked. He tasted it, but it really was terrible and he tried to hide a grimace. Not wanting to upset Eowyn or anything like that he said: "It's good." 

"Really?" Eowyn asked happily. She turned and saw Jon walking up. "Oh, Lord Snow..."

"Just Jon is fine." Jon assured her not wanting to be called a Lord.

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