Chapter 8: The Black Gate.

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Frodo, Sam, Bran, Meera, and Gollum continued their climb up the hills. "Okay. Up we go." Meera thought. "You okay, Frodo?" She asked.

"I'm fine." Frodo answered.

"Sam?" Bran asked.

"I'm alright." Sam answered climbing up. 

"I'd climb too, but..." Bran said.

"Yeah, we get it." Sam assured. 

Gollum in the meantime was in the lead. And he reached the top of the hill first. "The Black Gate of Mordor." He announced. 

And when the four reached the top, they saw a massive Black Gate in-between two mountains. It was a massive fortress. Made of Black Metal, and Towers on all sides. Guarded by hordes of Orcs.

"Oh, save us." Sam commented as he moved closer to take a closer look at the structure. And Frodo, Meera, and Bran crouched as well to see it behind some rocks. "My old Gaffer would have a thing or two to say if he could see us now." 

"I've seen bigger." Meera said.

"You should see the Wall in Westeros. A massive structure made entirely of Ice. The only way to reach the top is through a lift." Bran grinned. 

"That be a sight." Sam replied. "I think Sansa told us about that herself when she was in the Shire. Put my Old Gaffer in a crazy state." 

"Master says to show him the way into Mordor." Gollum told Frodo. "So good Smeagol does, Master says so." 

"I did." Frodo thought out loud. 

"Slight problem." Bran said. "How are we going to get past those Orcs guarding?" He asked. 

"That's it then." Sam answered. "We can't get past that." 

"So how are we going to get in?" Meera asked. 

But they were interrupted by some chanting from below them. It was an army that was heading for the Black Lake. 

"Who are those guys?" Bran asked as he looked at the strangely armored soldiers with strange helmets and large shields, and spears approaching the Black Gate.

"Wicked Men. From the East." Gollum answered. "Smeagol sees the Black Gates open up for them." 

"Well, why would they help, Sauron?" Meera asked.

"Probably for the same reason Saruman is." Frodo suggested. "If you can't beat him, join him."  

Horns sounded from the Black Gate as Gollum covered his ears. 

Orcs were blowing the horn. It was for the signal to open the Black Gates. Which were pulled open by Giant Trolls pushing and pulling them open for the Easterlings.

"Look." Sam whispered. "The Gate. It's opening!" He got up to take a closer look. He got up on a rock.

"Sam, be careful." Bran advised.

"I can see a way down." Sam informed. 

But the Rock, Sam was on had slid down over the ledge of the rock. 

"Sam, no!" Frodo yelled as Sam fell down. 

Frodo went after him. 

"Master!" Gollum yelled. Mostly wanting to keep his prized Ring safe. 

"Bran, stay here." Meera insisted as she went to join Frodo and Sam and rescue them. 

Frodo had run down with Meera as they crouch behind a rock. 

However one soldier noticed the rock slide down.

"Did they see us?" Frodo asked.

"I don't think so." Meera answered. "Let's move. But keep it quiet." 

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