Chapter 16: Where is the Horse and the Rider?

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Aragorn was riding over a hill on Brego. He had to get to Helm's Deep with speed and he was running out of time. He stopped at the Brow of the hill as he heard stamping. And he looked on to see a massive army of Uruk Hair advancing towards Helm's Deep.  

"To Helm's Deep!" Aragorn declared. "Brego! Go!" 

There was no time to lose now. He galloped off, through day and night, until finally arriving at the hilltop with Helm's Deep in the distance. Aragorn had now patted Brego's neck. "Mae carnen, Brego, mellon non." (Well done, Brego, my friend.) He got closer as he galloped up the causeway to the main gate. 

And into the crowds of people. Many were now looking at Aragorn in great shock. He was reported dead after the Warg attack. 

That was when a woman shouted out: "He's alive!" 

And another voice came in. That one belonged to Gimli. He pushed his way through the crowd around Aragorn. "Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!" He roared. He reached Aragorn shaking his fist at him. And when Gimli showed himself to Aragorn. He let him have it. "You are the luckiest, the canniest... and the most reckless man I ever knew." 

Aragorn smiled.

Gimli then embraced Aragorn in a hug. "Bless you, Laddie." Gimli said.  

"Aragorn?" Aragorn turned to see Sansa Stark running up to him. And with a big smile on her face. And then, Sansa stopped in front of her in disbelief. 

"Hello, Sansa." Aragorn greeted.

Then Sansa shook her head and ran up embracing Aragorn in a hug as well. Aragorn hugged her back.

"We thought you were dead." Sansa cried. "Jon and the Hound... they said you fell off a cliff!" 

"I did." Aragorn said. "Nearly thought I was gone for sure. That Warg wasn't so fortunate though." 

Sansa laughed. 

But then Aragorn got down to business. "Gimli, Sansa. As much as I would love to continue our reunion. We don't have much time. I saw the Uruk Hai on my way here." 

"You did?" Sansa asked.  

"Were is the King?" Aragorn asked. 

"He's in the Keep with Jon and the Hound." Sansa answered. "This way." 

As Aragorn walked towards the hall, with Sansa and Gimli showing him the way and Aragorn also fastening his belt. Legolas suddenly appeared in front of him. And the Hound was over by the side sitting and eating a piece of chicken. 

"Well... look who's back from the dead." The Hound commented.

"I was never dead, Clegane." Aragorn replied. "Just knocked out." 

"Hound. He came back! He came back!" Sansa yelled with glee. "Just like Gandalf! He came-" 

"I heard you the first time, girl." The Hound interrupted. 

"Right. Sorry." Sansa muttered. Then she regained her composure. "I've got to tell Jon." 

"Le abdollen." (You're late.) Legolas commented to Aragorn.  

Aragorn has raised his eyebrow. Something that made him wonder if Legolas had been expecting him sooner. 

Then Legolas looked over Aragorn. "You look terrible." He added. Then both men grinned at each other.

"You still both look better than the Hound." Sansa said. 

The Hound grunted at that comment. 

Eowyn in the meantime was in the background overhearing them talking, and turned to run towards Aragorn. Happy to have him back. But suddenly she stopped and watched as Legolas handed the Evenstar to Aragorn. 

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