you have long nails (requested)

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Minho let out a sigh as he laid down next to you in bed.

Putting your phone down on the nightstand, you were more than ready to give him all of your attention.

You know he had a long and hard day and you know he's feeling it catch up to him, which is why you want to give him all the love and affection you can.

He closed his eyes until he felt your palm gently fall against his cheek and then he opened them again.

"Hi, baby."

He smiled at you, softly repeating the words back to you.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired." He said as he took your hand into his.

"You can lay your head on my chest if you want to."

It was a sweet offer and one that he couldn't resist.

After the day he had, all he wanted was to be close to you and he'd take that in whatever way it would come.

So he scooted closer to you and laid his head on your chest before closing his eyes as he listened to your heartbeat.

You began to scratch his scalp and he breathed out a contented sigh as he melted over your touch.

Your nails are long and he absolutely loves them that way, especially for reasons like this.

It felt so nice to feel your nails gently brush along his head, scratching all the spots that itched as well as bringing him comfort.

"That feels so nice." He hummed.

"Good, baby. Relax, I'll keep doing it." You said and watched him nod with a smile pulling at his lips.

He held your other hand, softly brushing his fingers against yours while humming contentedly as you continued to scratch his scalp.

"I'm going to fall asleep." He mumbled. "Your nails just feel so nice."

"That's alright, baby." You said as you kept brushing your nails against his head.

Occasionally, you dragged your fingers gently through his soft hair and you'd hear him hum again.

He was enjoying this and it warmed your heart.

"I love you, Minho."

"I love you more." He said. "And I love your long nails. Please never clip them. They feel so nice."

"Okay, baby." You smiled. "You go to sleep if you wanna. I'll keep scratching your head."

He nodded wordlessly, quickly drifting off to sleep as your nails kept brushing against his head, making him feel warm and content.

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