finding out that you were in a bad relationship before him (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering and sensitive content. It mentions a past abusive relationship and the abuse comes in various forms.

Physical, mental, emotional, and verbal abuse are all mentioned in this chapter. Please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.

Also, please know that if you're ever in a relationship like this and any of the things mentioned in this chapter apply to you, you are beautiful and you are worthy of love and you deserve better.

No matter what anyone else says, you will always be worthy of love. You are loved. You have a purpose and you are absolutely gorgeous, just the way that you are.

Never forget that and don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

Enjoy, my loves.


"Hey, beautiful. Come in." Minho smiled as he opened the door to his house, staring at you with the brightest smile on his face as he did so.

You stepped inside as your cheeks began to heat up over the sweet name that he'd called you.

You're not used to being called anything so loving and sweet and every time something so kind leaves his lips, your heart swells.

You've known Minho for about four months, having met him through mutual friends.

But you've only been officially dating for a little less than two months now and even though that's not a long time, you're enjoying every second spent with him and you love being able to call him yours.

He makes you feel a way that you've never felt before, something you've been hoping and wishing for, especially since your last relationship was so awful and so traumatic.

Minho put his arms around you and let his lips brush lovingly against your cheek.

"Can I take your jacket for you, baby?"

You nodded and he helped you take it off.

He hung it up before pulling you close and giving you a sweet kiss.

"You look so pretty." He said as he pulled away, his fingers stroking your cheek softly.

"You look very handsome, baby." You said and watched his smile grow.

"Thank you. Come on, dinner is almost done."

You nodded and followed him into the kitchen as he took your hand into his, leading you into the room.

You felt so warm; both from the heat in the room due to him cooking as well as inside because of the way he makes you feel.

You sat down at the table as he walked to the counter.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, I'm good." He assured.

"Can I do anything to help? Maybe I can set the table?"

"Only if you want to." He said.

"I want to." You said as you got up.

He opened the cabinets and grabbed a couple of plates.

"Just put these on the table. Here's a couple of glasses as well."

You nodded and carefully took them from him before going over to the table.

But along the way, you tripped over your own feet and you dropped everything.

You fell onto the ground as everything shattered around you, scaring the life out of your boyfriend.

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