first time (requested)

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It was impossible not to melt from the brush of your boyfriend's lips on your neck.

You had been curled up together on the sofa together in his house.

He had turned on a movie he knew would make you laugh and he was completely right because only a few minutes in your sweet and infectious laughter began to fill his ears.

It made him fall even deeper for you and he couldn't help but want to give you some love and affection.

You were putty in his hands as he kissed across your soft, sensitive skin.

You could feel him getting closer to that sweet spot on your skin and your heart fluttered in anticipation.

You tilted your head back, feeling the bliss overwhelm you in a way that you've never felt before.

Minho smiled against your skin as you put your arms around him and pulled him even closer and you felt your heart beat faster knowing that he was cracking that smile that you adore so much.

"You're beautiful." He whispered as he looked into your eyes, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "So beautiful."

You smiled a little and then put your lips on his to pull him in for a soft kiss.

But it didn't take long for you both to melt and eventually, the kiss deepened slightly.

And as it did so, Minho began to let his hands travel across your body, eventually stopping at the strings of your sweats.

He began to untie them, only for you to pull away from his lips and shake your head.

"Minho, don't."

As soon as that word left your lips, he moved his hands away and let them rest on your cheek instead.

Usually, when he gazes into your eyes, the look in his brown ones is soft and starry.

But you saw the worry in them now, almost a panicked look.

"Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked as he caressed your cheek.

"No. No, of course not." You said as you gently grabbed one of his hands to hold it in yours. "It's not you, baby."

"What's the matter?" He worriedly asked.

"I've just never done anything more than kiss someone and I'm kinda nervous."

"Don't be nervous. I'm not going to pressure you into anything."

"Really?" You asked. "Because I feel like you're ready and-"

"Hey," He interrupted softly. "Don't worry about that. Don't do things to please me. If you aren't ready, then that's the way it is. I could wait another week, month, or year - however long it takes. Because I love you."

You smiled a little as he spoke.

"I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone before. We've got all the time in the world. Why rush anything?"

You got lost in the look of love in his eyes and it made your heart skip a beat as you realized just how much he loves and cares for you.

"Your comfort comes first for me. If you would rather just make out, that's fine. If you want to cuddle, that's fine. But don't do anything you don't want to do. Because I'm not going anywhere and I love you a lot."

"I love you too." You said before he kissed the corners of your lips. "What if I was ready though?"

"I want you to be sure, completely sure. We don't have to do anything."

"No, I want to. I was just a little nervous because it's a big step. But I know it's the right one to take because it's with you. Things just feel right with you."

You put your arms around his neck and gave him a soft peck on his lips.

"If you're nervous-"

"Minho," You interrupted. "I love you. I want this. With you."

He smiled again before he put his lips back on yours, giving you a loving kiss.

"I'll treat you like a queen." He promised as he kissed across your face, making you giggle and adore him even more.

"You always do." You said before kissing him again, ready to take this step with him because you're ready and you know he's the one.

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