someone steals your engagement ring (requested)

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As your concert came to an end, you took a moment to give some love to your fans.

From backstage, Minho is watching you with the brightest smile on his face.

He's so proud of you.

You just released your newest album and it's doing so well.

You're bringing in new fans and you got to write a few of the songs on this album and, of course, your fiancee was the muse behind them.

He was so flattered and every time it's brought up in interviews or by the boys for whatever reason, he can't help the way his cheeks turn red and his smile becomes bigger than ever.

This is the first tour you've done since getting engaged to Minho and usually, he's in the audience cheering you on.

But tonight, he chose to stay backstage and though he's had so much fun watching you perform for a packed arena for the last couple of hours, he can't wait for you to get back to him so he can give you lots of love and kisses.

You took a moment to touch your fans' hands and thank them for coming.

You blew them some kisses and posed for a couple of pictures before you hurried backstage as the lights went out.

Minho was waiting for you with his arms wide open and he happily wrapped them around you as you rushed into them.

"You did so good, baby! Congratulations." He grinned and gave you a kiss on your lips before reaching for your hand.

He wanted to give you a few kisses across your knuckles and then hold your hand in his own as you'd walk back to your dressing room.

However, something caught his attention.

Your engagement ring was gone.

"Baby, what happened to your ring?"

At first, you didn't know what he was talking about and part of you thought he was just messing with you.

But when you stared at your hand, your heart dropped upon realizing that your ring wasn't there.

"I don't know." You said. "I had it on when I went on stage."

"Did it fall off?" He frowned before taking your hand and walking back to the stage.

At this point, almost everyone was out of the arena, so you could look around the stage without too much chaos.

You both looked everywhere but you knew deep down that it hadn't fallen off because it fit your finger perfectly.

And you felt crushed as it sank in that your ring was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you have it on when you were touching fans' hands?" He asked.

You remembered having it on then.

"Yeah, I did." You said.

"Baby, I think someone might've stolen it."

Your heart dropped just at the thought.

Why would someone steal something so important to you, especially if they were a fan of yours?

You couldn't figure that out but you knew that Minho was right.

That made the most sense.

But it was so heartbreaking for you that someone that's supposed to come here just to show you support would steal something so important to you.

Minho looked so disappointed and you couldn't help but feel guilty.

You loved that ring.

It was even more special than most engagement rings as Minho had it designed himself.

He put all of his heart into making it the most special ring he could for you because, to him, you deserved nothing less than that.

And now, it was gone.

"I'm so sorry, Minho." You said as you started to tear up a little. "I feel so awful."

"Baby, don't. It's not your fault!" He said as he came over to you and pulled you into his warm embrace. "Don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong."

"I should've been more careful."

"You couldn't know that someone had bad intentions and would steal that from you. It's not your fault at all." He said as he had you look into his eyes as he hooked his fingers under your chin.

"What if I don't get it back? What if it's gone for good?"

"Then I'll get another one made for you." He said with an adoring gaze and a soft smile. "I don't want you to worry, okay? Everything will be fine. If we find it or we don't, I'm not upset with you. The only person at fault for anything is the person that stole your ring."

You nodded before putting your arms around his neck and giving him the biggest hug you could.

"I love you so much." You said.

"I love you more, baby." He spoke as he rubbed your back. "Everything will be fine, I promise."

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