tapping him out (requested)

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You froze on your feet as your heart began to hammer against your chest.

You weren't very far from where your boyfriend stood and you could see him trying to keep a straight face but nearly failing again and again as his lips instinctively wanted to tug into a smile.

Today, after eighteen months, Minho has completed his service and is ready to be released.

He's standing just a few feet away from you and even though you've been able to see him on occasion since he enlisted, he's finally coming home and you just can't believe the day has finally arrived.

You're so incredibly proud of him and for all he has achieved during these eighteen months.

He's done an amazing job, constantly being praised for his hard work and how good of a job he's always done with the tasks given.

But you know he's excited to come home and be with you and rest a little.

You continued to make your way to him, one foot in front of the other, but once you were close enough, you got tired of walking.

So you ran to him instead.

You ran as fast as you could to him the rest of the way and once you were close enough to hold, Minho threw his arms around you and lifted you off of the ground to spin around and keep in a tight embrace.

"Finally." He whispered as his eyes filled with tears.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt him relax as his hand brushed along your back.

"I've missed you." You spoke against his neck.

He couldn't help but break down in that moment.

The time you have had together since his enlistment has been next to nothing, though you were both grateful to have a little at all.

But now that he's completed his service he can finally go home knowing that he can hold you close and not let you go for as long as your hearts desire made him fall apart.

"I've missed you too." He sniffled as you pulled away a little.

You cupped his cheeks and he smiled as he leaned into your touch.

"I'm so proud of you, baby!" You grinned before kissing his cheeks.

"Thank you, baby." He smiled. "But, come on, after all this time, I deserve more than a couple of kisses on the cheek."

You laughed but nodded and put your lips on his, finally giving him the kiss he'd been looking forward to getting.

"I love you so much." He whispered as you pulled away a moment later.

"I love you more."

He gently put you on the ground before he stared into your eyes.

"You did such an amazing job, baby. You should be so proud of yourself."

"I am." He smiled. "It's been so fulfilling and such an unforgettable experience but I'm happy that I can finally go home with my girl."

"Me too." You grinned before kissing him again.

"And now that we're going home, be prepared for me to cling to you like a koala and never let you go again." He playfully warned, his smile so big and so bright.

"I'm looking forward to it." You said before hugging him again.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, so happy to hold you for as long as he possibly could.

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