when will you get married? (requested)

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"That was a beautiful wedding, wasn't it?" One of Minho's family members asked. "I can feel the love in the room. What an adorable couple."

You smiled as Minho pulled your chair closer to his as his relatives talked to each other about his cousin and his wife.

You're attending their wedding and you have to say that it was truly so beautiful.

"Don't you agree Y/N and Minho?"

"Of course. They make such an adorable couple. It was truly special." You said.

"I still think there's one wedding that will be even more beautiful than this one though. Minho and Y/N's wedding."

Minho lowered his head slightly as his cheeks started to heat up.

"Minho, I have to ask. When are you going to get married? You and Y/N have been together for six years now! Don't you think it's about time you get down on one knee and ask your beautiful girlfriend to marry you?" One of his relatives asked.

"Of course. I think about it every day." Minho confessed, making your heart skip a beat. "There's nothing I want more than to marry Y/N. She's the love of my life and I know she's the one. But I want to wait until the time is right."

"Well, hopefully that's soon! I'm pretty sure, from the look in her eyes right now, she's pretty excited about that."

Minho looked at you and saw the sparkle in your eyes, making his heart swell.

He knows how much you want to get married someday; you two have had the conversation many times.

On sleepless nights when you're curled up in each other's arms, it's the only thing you and him talk about; your future and the dreams you have together.

Every day, he thinks about the perfect way to ask you to be his wife.

He knows you're more than ready to marry him and start your lives together so you can make both of your dreams of having a family and adopting some animals together come true.

And he's more the ready as well.

That's why he took Chan and Hyunjin with him the other day to find the perfect ring for you; the ring of your dreams.

He plans to do it soon.

He plans to get down on one knee and ask you to marry him within the next few weeks.

But he doesn't want you to know that, of course.

He wants it to remain a surprise.

"Don't worry. I assure you that the next wedding you attend will be ours." He said, making everyone at the table, and especially you, light up.

"Really?" You asked as he squeezed your hand.

"Yeah, baby. Who knows when it'll happen but I promise, it won't be long." He assured. "I want you to be my wife more than anything in the world."

You leaned over to kiss his cheek softly and everyone at the table melted at the sight.

"I can't wait!" You told him.

"Me neither." He said with a soft smile and happiness in his heart, knowing that he was going to do it soon.

Very soon.

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