you have bad menstrual back pain (requested)

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"Are you okay?" Minho asked as he climbed into bed beside you.

You shook your head weakly and then groaned as you tried to roll over.

You're lying on your stomach currently, trying your very hardest to stay as still as possible.

"I don't feel good." You quietly spoke. "I had a long day and my back is killing me."

Minho's hand gently fell onto your back as he stared at you worriedly.

"Is it your period?"

You lifted your head from the pillow and gazed at him.

"I know you usually start around this time." He said.

"Yeah. Sometimes they're not too bad but this one is making me feel so terrible. I can barely even move, my back hurts so badly."

He felt his heart drop slightly over the crack in your voice as the intense pain continued.

"Shh, baby, it's okay. What can I do to help you feel better?" He asked as he began to brush his fingers across your back ever so gently.

"Sometimes heat helps."

"Do you want me to get your heating pad for you?"

"If you don't mind." You said before his lips brushed across the back of your neck.

"Never." He assured. "I'll be right back."

You felt him get up and you kept your eyes closed, hoping that the pain would go away soon.

It was overwhelming.

You tend to get back pain a lot when you're on your period but this is so much worse than before.

It's just awful.

With another soft kiss to your neck, you felt Minho lift your shirt slightly before the heating pad was placed against your skin.

"I also got you some pain medicine." He spoke as he came to your side.

He grabbed your bottle of water from the nightstand and you lifted your head a little before parting your lips.

He put the medicine on your tongue and brought the bottle of water to your lips so you could take a few sips of it.

You put your head back on the pillow as he laid down beside you and began to massage your back a little.

You hummed and it brought a smile to his lips.

"That feels good, my love?" He asked. "Is it helping?"

"So much." You mumbled. "Your touch is so comforting."

"Good." He said as he moved closer to you.

He kept his eyes on you, his gaze adoring as he listened to you breathe.

You were calm and relaxed; the groans and whimpers of pain no longer leaving your lips.

It made him feel better knowing that you were feeling a little better already and that he was able to help you.


"Yes, baby?" He spoke as he continued to watch you.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered before kissing your cheek. "I'm glad I could help you."

"You could help me even more by singing to me." You mumbled.

He chuckled but didn't hesitate to do just as you wanted.

He quietly sang youtiful to you, his voice soft and soothing in your ear, just like his fingers on your skin as he continued to massage you.

You had finally found the relief you'd been needing but thought you couldn't get as the pain had been too bad at first.

But now, thanks to your sweet boyfriend, you were finally able to relax as the pain faded and comfort and warmth flooded over you.

"I love you lots, my sweet girl." He whispered.

"I love you too, baby." You whispered back to him, smiling to yourself as you wondered how you ever got so lucky.

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