you fall asleep with your makeup on (requested)

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Minho walked through the door with a heavy sigh.

He was practically dragging his feet as he walked due to the exhaustion he felt after the long day he and the boys had.

He had a feeling that you were probably sound asleep in bed since it was well after one am.

He also knows from the texts you sent him earlier that you had a long day too.

He wanted to come home earlier so he could hold you and make you feel better because your messages of how exhausted you were, how much you missed him, and how you just felt unwell overall, broke his heart.

So he knew the chances of you being awake were very slim.

He went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before quietly making his way up the stairs and down the hall to your room.

He stepped into the bedroom, nearly tripping over his own two feet since it was pitch black in the room.

He made his way to the bed and turned on the lamp on his nightstand, lighting the room up a little.

You were sleeping on your back on the bed with one leg under the blanket and one leg over it.

He smiled a little when he noticed that you were in his shirt.

But he also noticed that your makeup was still on.

You were so exhausted that you must've fallen right asleep when you laid down a couple of hours ago.

He knew that sleeping with your makeup on wasn't a good idea.

So, rather than waking you up and dragging you into the bathroom to take your makeup off, he went into the bathroom and grabbed your makeup wipes.

He sat down on the edge of the mattress beside you and then took out a couple of your makeup wipes to remove everything.

He started with your lipstick and then wiped off your concealer, highlighter, and foundation.

As he took it off, he couldn't help but admire you.

Your skin felt so soft against his fingers as he caressed your cheek.

He always thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world, whether you have makeup on or not.

His heart always swells with love for you because he adores you so much and feels so incredibly lucky to call you his.

He smiled to himself as he continued to wipe your makeup off.

He removed your mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner, swearing that you look like an angel right now as your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks and you sleep so soundly.

But just as he finished, you opened your eyes to meet his.

"Hi, handsome," You smiled.

"Hi, my sleeping beauty." He said before kissing the corners of your lips. "You fell asleep with your makeup on."

He showed you the dirty wipes full of your makeup and your heart melted when it clicked.

"You took it off for me?" You asked as you grabbed his hand and kissed it softly.

"Well, I know it's bad to sleep with makeup on. I didn't want to disturb your sleep so I took it off for you."

"That's very kind. You're the best boyfriend, baby."

His cheeks heated up as he smiled happily.

"I just love you so much." He said before kissing your lips lovingly.

"I love you too." You smiled against his lips, kissing him again.

"I'll be right back, okay? Stay awake for me." He said and watched you nod before getting up.

He quickly changed into some pajamas and brushed his teeth before stepping out of the bathroom.

"Finally." You teased. "Took you long enough. I need cuddles."

He chuckled and crawled into bed beside you.

"Fine." He teased in return as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He whispered.

You gave him another loving kiss before putting your head on his chest as he held you tight.

"Have good dreams." He told you. "Sleep tight."

"You too, baby." You spoke tiredly as you drifted off to sleep in his warm and comforting embrace, at last.

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