fighting about his ex (requested)

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"Are you not even going to talk to me?" Minho asked as he looked over at you, watching as you wordlessly stared out the car window. "Not a single word?"

He pulled the car into the driveway and as soon as it was off, you opened and slammed the door before storming inside the house.

Minho followed you in and watched you start to storm up the stairs.

"Y/N, come on. Tell me why you're so mad at me!"

You turned around and stormed back down the stairs to him.

"You already know!"

He sighed before reaching out to grab your hand.

"Is this about my ex? Baby, forget about her."

"She was flirting with you right there in front of me on our date! It was as if I didn't even exist the second she called out for you and practically ran to our table."

"That's not true. I never ignored you. If anything, you ignored me! When she walked away, I tried to talk to you but you wouldn't say anything! Until just a moment ago, you wouldn't say a word to me."

"You let her flirt with you. Your ex-girlfriend was flirting with you, Minho! In front of your current girlfriend! That's pretty messed up, isn't it?"

He let out a heavy sigh.

"She wasn't flirting."

"Are you serious? She was! She told you how good you look, how talented you are, how much she loves your voice when she hears a stray kids song, and that she wishes she wouldn't have broken up with you! That's flirting!"

"Okay. I'm sorry. But I didn't flirt back with her."

"You may just as well have. You didn't stop her." You quietly said. "Is it because you liked it? Or because you miss her?"

"What? No, of course not." He quickly said. "Y/N, I don't know how you didn't see it but I was uncomfortable the entire time. I wanted her to just leave me alone. Because you and I were on a date."

"Why didn't you just tell her?"

"Because I know how she is. She would've caused a scene and I didn't want that. I figured she'd just go and leave us alone, especially when I talked about you. I made it clear I was with you."

You lowered your head, only lifting it when he gently hooked his fingers under your chin to lift it.

"I should've told her to fuck off. I should've told her that she was out of line and that she and I had been over for a long time. I'm sorry I didn't. I'm sorry for everything."

"I know. I just got insecure because since you didn't do much of anything to stop her, maybe you miss her or you wanted to get back with her."

"No. Y/N, that will never happen. I'm so in love with you. You're the only one I can see having a family with, getting married to, and growing old with. My past relationships mean nothing to me. I only want to be with you." He said as he put his arms around you and pulled you closer.

You sighed and wrapped your arms around him too before laying your head on his shoulder.

You couldn't deny how much you wanted those things too.

And you know Minho better than anyone else in the world and you know that his heart belongs to you and only you.

"Even if my ex wanted to get back with me, she's in for a rude awakening. Because I'm not interested. I only want to be with you. I love you so much. I know I'm an idiot but forgive me. Please?"

"Of course, I do. Because you're my idiot." You smiled. "I love you too. And I'm sorry I got so upset. I trust you. I hope you know that."

"I do." He whispered before kissing your head. "And don't apologize for getting upset. I would've done the same if the shoe was on the other foot."

You smiled and looked up at him before he gave you a soft kiss.

"But don't let it happen again." You playfully warned.

"Oh, I promise you, next time I'm telling them to screw off. No one is coming between me and you. I'm all yours. I promise."

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