you have a nightmare (requested)

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Minho ran his hands across his face with a tired sigh as he put his head back on the pillow.

It's a little after one a.m. and he hasn't been able to fall asleep yet, despite having a long and busy day with the boys today.

The only comfort he's found while tossing and turning is you being sound asleep beside him.

You're sleeping so peacefully on your side and you look so cute and it just makes his heart flutter to know that you're getting some good sleep, at least.

Finally, he felt like he could get some rest though.

It was all catching up to him now and he was ready to get some good rest.

However, just a moment after his eyes slipped shut, he heard you whimper beside him.

His eyes opened again right away.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He spoke as he reached out and brushed his fingers across your arm.

You whimpered again and his eyebrows furrowed as he began to get concerned.

And his concern only intensified as he turned the lamp on and heard you mumble a 'please' in your sleep, almost in a whine.

"Please. No, please, don't." You groaned. "Please."

"Y/N?" He scooted closer to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"No. Minho, no." You whined.

"Baby, open your eyes. Come on, my sweet girl. I'm here. Wake up, baby."

He gently brushed his fingers along your arm as your eyes flew open.

You jumped and he shushed you softly.

"Shh, baby. It's okay." He spoke quietly.

You sat up and stared at him for a second before breathing out a sigh of relief and hugging him tightly.

"Oh, Minho," You said as he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back.

"It's okay, darling. I'm right here, you're okay." He spoke as his nails gently scratched across your skin.

"I had a nightmare." You whimpered. "It was so scary, so bad."

"I know. I heard you. I was worried about you." He said. "Do you want to tell me about it? You know I'll listen."

"I had a nightmare that we were in bed asleep and someone had broken in. They had been hiding under the bed and they came out and... they hurt you."

Your eyes filled with tears just thinking about the nightmare.

Where Minho, the love of your life and your whole entire world, had been hurt and you hadn't been able to do anything to help him.

It was so vivid.

It had felt so real.

"I tried to help you but I couldn't. I lost you."

"Shh..." He whispered as he pulled away from the hug and stroked your cheek softly. "It's okay. I'm here and I'm safe. We're both safe. No one's hurt and no one's here."

You looked a little unsure and anxious.

So he pulled away and got off the bed before lifting the covers and kneeling on the floor.

"No one's here. No one is under the bed. It's just us." He said as he got back on the bed. "The doors are locked, and the house is empty other than you and me and the pets."

You crawled onto his lap and threw your arms around him to cling to him tight, almost like a koala.

"It just seemed so real. I don't want to lose you, not ever."

"You never will. Because I'm right here, darling, and I'm not going anywhere."

You let out a long and heavy breath as he kissed your head softly.

"It was just a bad dream. That's all. You don't need to be anxious, okay? No one's here. No one's going to hurt me or you. We're both safe and sound."

"I love you." You said as you lifted your head and gazed into his eyes.

"I love you too." He smiled as he brushed his hand across your cheek again. "Everything's okay. I promise."

He gently laid you back down before curling up to you.

You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he rubbed your back.

"I'm right here." He whispered.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Can you stay up with me for a little while? I know I probably woke you but I'm still a little anxious and I need you."

He was tired.

He hasn't slept even a minute so far tonight.

But he wasn't going to let you stay awake by yourself; not right now, not when you needed him.

Despite being tired, he kissed your lips softly and sent you a little smile as he nodded.

"You know I will. I won't go to sleep until you feel okay to fall back asleep. I promise."

"You look tired though." You said as you played with his short locks.

"Not at all. Not when you need me." He said. "I'm right here. Just focus on me. I promise I won't let you go."

You snuggled a little closer to him and he just held you a little tighter as he kissed your forehead, promising you that he wasn't going anywhere.

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